Mung beans are a good nutritional balance that contains many vitamins and minerals. Some preliminary studies suggest that these beans may offer several health benefits.
Preparing mung beans is easy, and people can add them to a variety of dishes.
These beans have a slightly sweet taste and are sold fresh as sprouts or dried beans. It is not very popular in the United States, but you can buy it at most health food stores.
This article describes the possible health benefits of mung beans and their nutritional value. He also advises how much to eat these types of foods, how to prepare them, and some recipe ideas.
What is a Mung Bean?
Mung beans are part of the same legume family as beans and lentils. Batches can be purchased whole or sprouted.
Mung beans are well soaked and cooked to add to soups, stews, fritters, or mixed with stews. Mung beans have traditionally been used in curries and stews.
Health benefits of Mung Beans

Mung bean is a kind of legume and is an edible seed of legume.
Mung beans, like all beans, have a nutritional balance. It contains essential vitamins, minerals, and enzymes and is essential for a healthy diet.
A 2014 review suggests evidence that mung beans may offer several potential health benefits, including:
There are 11 health benefits of mung beans.
1 Nutrition Benefits of Mung Beans
On the report of (U-S) Department of Agriculture, 100 grams of boiled mung beans contain:
Calories: 106
Fat: 0.4 grams
Protein: 7.1 grams
Carbs: 19.35 grams
Fiber: 7.7 grams
Mung beans are a superb source of vegetable protein. Mung beans rich in essential amino acids like phenylalanine, leucine, isoleucine, valine, lysine, and arginine.
Mung beans are also a good source of B vitamins necessary for a variety of physical functions and for maintaining brain health.
Mung beans, in particular, are an excellent source of vitamin B-9, also called folic acid, which helps the human body make DNA. Folic acid is essential before and during pregnancy because it helps prevent some birth defects.
The USDA reports that 100 g of mung beans contain 159 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid. The RDA for folic acid is 400 mcg for adults and 600 mcg for pregnancy.
Therefore, it is unlikely that a person will eat mung beans alone to satisfy folic acid requirements.
It is important to note that germination changes nutritional components as green beans are also germinated and consumed. Germinated beans have less calories than non-germinated beans and are rich in free amino acids and antioxidants.
In addition, germination reduces the level of the nutrient phytic acid. Nutrients can reduce the absorption of minerals such as zinc, magnesium and calcium.
2 Antioxidant effects
Mung beans contain many healthy antioxidants, including phenolic acids, flavonoids, caffeic acid, and cinnamic acid.
Antioxidants help neutralize potentially harmful molecules called free radicals.
Large amounts of free radicals can interact with cellular components and cause havoc. This damage is associated with chronic inflammation, heart disease, cancer, and other disorders.
Test tube Research has shown that mung bean antioxidants can neutralize free radical damage associated with cancer growth in lung and gastric cells.
Interestingly, sprouted mung beans appear to have a more impressive antioxidant profile and can contain up to 6 times more antioxidants than regular mung beans.
3 Antioxidants Vitexin and Isovitexin
In many Asian countries, mung bean soup is often consumed on hot summer days.
Mung beans are believed to have anti-inflammatory properties that protect them from heatstroke, hyperthermia, and thirst.
However, hydration is an important factor in preventing heatstroke. Therefore, experts wonder if mung bean soup is better than drinking water.
Animal studies have shown that these antioxidants in mung bean soup may help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals formed during heat stroke.
That said, there is little research in the field of mung beans and heat stroke, so ideally human research is needed before promoting health.
4 Heart Disease Risk & LDL Cholesterol Levels
High cholesterol, especially “bad” LDL cholesterol, can increase your risk of heart disease.
Interestingly, Research has shown that mung beans may have properties of lowering LDL cholesterol.
animal Research has shown that mung bean antioxidants can lower LDL cholesterol in the blood and protect LDL particles from interacting with unstable free radicals.
In addition, a review of 26 studies found that consuming legumes (other legumes) (approximately 128 grams) once a day significantly reduces LDL cholesterol levels in the blood.
5 Reduce Blood Pressure
Hypertension is a serious health problem because it risks heart disease. This is the leading cause of death in the world.
6 Mung beans help lower blood pressure.
They are a good source of potassium, magnesium, and fiber. Research has linked each of these nutrients to a significantly reduced risk of high blood pressure.
In addition, analyzes of eight studies have shown that high intakes of legumes such as beans reduce blood pressure in adults with and without hypertension.
7 May Aid Digestive Health
Mung beans contain a variety of nutrients that are good for digestive health.
The former is rich in fiber, an impressive 15.4 grams of 202 grams per cooked cup.
In particular, mung beans contain a type of water-soluble fiber called pectin. This helps keep the gut regular by speeding up the movement of food in the gut.
Mung beans, like other beans, contain resistant starch.
Resistant starch acts like soluble fiber because it helps nourish healthy gut bacteria. The bacteria digest it into short-chain fatty acids, especially butyric acid.
Studies show that butyric acid promotes digestive health in many ways. For example, it can nourish the cells of the colon, increase the immune defenses of the intestine, and further reduce the risk of colon cancer.
8 Nutritional ingredients can lower blood sugar levels
Mung beans have several properties that help keep blood sugar low.
Rich in fiber and protein, it slows the release of sugar into the bloodstream.
Animal studies have also shown that the mung bean antioxidants vitexin and isovitexin lower blood sugar levels and increase insulin effects.
9 Weight Loss
Mung beans are rich in fiber & protein, which helps to lose weight. By reducing your appetite, you reduce your calorie intake and help you lose weight.
In fact, a review of nine studies found that eating a legume like beans is, on average, 31% more fortified after eating other staples like pasta and bread.
10 Hormones
The nutrients of mung bean provide the ingredients needed to maintain the normal flow of the hormonal system. In fact, some of the most important nutrients for hormonal flow, such as B vitamins, magnesium, and folate, are found in these little beans.
Studies have shown that fiber and protein can inhibit fasting hormones, such as ghrelin
You can get 100% of the Daily Value for folic acid with just one serving of green beans. Folic acid is a necessary nutrient for DNA synthesis, hormonal balance, cognitive function, fertility, and cell and tissue growth.
Basically, mung beans have the right nutritional profile to control your hormonal flow. These nutrients also relieve stress on the adrenal glands, making everything a little smoother. This means more energy, less weight, less PMS, more strength, and more mental clarity.
11 Support a Healthy Pregnancy
During pregnancy, it is advisable to eat plenty of foods rich in folic acid. Folic acid is essential for optimal growth and development in children.
However, most women do not get as much folic acid. This is associated with an increased risk of birth defects.
Mung beans provide 80% of the RDI for folic acid in cooked cups (202 grams).
They are also rich in iron, protein, and fiber, and these women need more during pregnancy.
However, avoid eating raw mung bean sprouts, as pregnant women can carry bacteria that can cause infections. Cooked beans and sprouts should be safe.
How Much to Eat?

The Department of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion has provided evidence that legumes like mung beans can be part of a healthy dietary pattern.
Research also suggests that a plant-based diet is an important way to improve people’s health and reduce the risk of various chronic diseases. Eating green beans is a good way to incorporate plant-based foods into your diet.
Mung beans are an excellent source of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, but eating other plant foods is essential too. Mung beans do not contain all the nutrients that a person needs. Eating a variety of botanical foods is the best way to achieve a healthy diet.
The quantity is also important. Mung beans are rich in vitamins and minerals, but you need to make them and other plant foods an important part of your diet to get the most out of them.
One way to eat generous plant-based foods in multiple doses is to cook a large plant-based dinner, saving enough for lunch the next day.
Repeating this for a week ensures that the diet for two will be full of botanicals.
how to Cook?
Mung beans are fairly easy to add to your diet. They cook like quinoa and rice. The method is the following.
- Rinse the green beans under cold water.
- Add 1 cup of mung beans to 3 cups of water and a pinch of salt.
- When it starts to boil, and sprinkle the beans.
- Soften the mung beans or heat them for about 40 minutes. If the mung beans are split, it only takes 25-35 minutes to fully cook them.
Cooked mung beans mixed with quinoa and rice can be used in soups and stews or as a base for casseroles. I warn you that they will be a bit muddy. Add enough crunch and texture to the other ingredients. But I can assure you that these beans will help you feel more vibrant, keep you full longer, and get rid of your cravings. It goes without saying that everything works a little better because the hormones flow better.
Preparation and Recipe Tips
Mung beans, along with many other legumes, along with a variety of foods, are easy to make and great.
To cook dried mung beans, simply add them to boiling water and cook for up to 45 minutes. Taste the boiled beans regularly and remove them from the heat when they reach the correct texture.
Mung beans can be a bit bland in their own right, but people can easily incorporate them into a larger diet. Boiled mung beans can be part of the following:
- dressed salad
- soup
- curry or dhal
Mung beans are suitable for a variety of dishes as they do not have a strong flavor. Like other legumes, they help add texture or protein to the diet. You can experiment with them and try to incorporate them into different recipes.
Mung beans are an excellent source of protein and are rich in vitamins and minerals. Preliminary research also suggests that mung beans may offer a variety of potential health benefits, but more research is needed to confirm these findings.
Eating more legumes is part of a healthy eating pattern and is an effective way to incorporate plant-based foods into your diet. Mung beans are easy to prepare, and people can add them to a variety of dishes.