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265 Surprising Fun Facts To Blow Your Mind

    What else can you talk about when you talk to a new person about the weather?

    Whether you’re enjoying a cocktail hour at a wedding or waiting for a professional meeting to begin, preparing fun facts can turn a stranger into a friend. The trick is to look interesting without showing off.

    Where does fun fact come from?

    School-age children may consider fun and fact to be natural enemies, but the two have been together since the 1800s. In the 1850s, there was a newspaper column on Twitter titled “Fans, Facts, Fancy”.

    In 1860, the entire dissertation entitled Fun, Reality, and Fantasy was dedicated to these stories.

    The current use of the lesser-known nugget’s entertaining facts came in the 1970s. The first part of each ad was an interesting fact, but in the end, the last thing that caught your eye was the fact about Wrigley Gum.

    Many of these interesting facts were collected in a 1973 book, but a few years later, when a teacher’s magazine suggested activities to help students find unique and fun facts, fun facts entered the classroom.

    Here is the best 265 Surprising Fun Facts To Blow Your Mind.

    McDonald’s once made bubblegum-flavored broccoli

    This interesting fact makes your taste crawl. Unsurprisingly, attempts to feed children healthier did not go well with the “test-worried” child testers.

    The heads on Easter Island have bodies.

    The iconic stone head protruding from the ground on Easter Island is familiar to most people, but many do not understand what lies beneath the surface of the earth.

    In the 10’s, archaeologists studying hundreds of stone statues on the Pacific islands excavated two figures, revealing a complete fuselage as high as 33 feet.

    The hashtag symbol is technically called an octothorpe.

    The “octo-” prefix refers to eight points of the popular symbol, while “soap” remains a mystery. According to One theory is that this symbol is derived from the Old English word for “village”, based on the idea that it resembles a village surrounded by eight fields.

    Some fungi create zombies, then control their minds

    The tropical mushroom Ophiocordyceps attacks the central nervous system of ants. By the time the fungus is in the insect for 9 days, the fungus completely controls the host’s movements.

    They let ants climb trees, then cramp and fall into the cool, moist soil below where the fungus grows. Once there, the fungus forces the ants into the leaves and kills them until noon of the sun.

    The moon has moonquakes

    Both earthquakes on Earth and earthquakes on the Moon. Scientists from the US Geological Survey believe that lunar earthquakes, which are less common and less intense than here, are caused by tidal stresses associated with the distance between the Earth and the Moon.

    North Korea and Cuba are the only places that Coca-Cola cannot be bought

    Wherever you go, it’s good to know that you can always enjoy Coca-Cola. Well, almost everywhere.

    Although this carbonated drink is sold almost everywhere, according to the BBC, it still (officially) hasn’t made its way to North Korea or Cuba. This is because these countries are subject to a long-term US trade embargo.

    However, they are generally much more expensive than paying in the states and are likely to be imported from neighboring countries,Mexico Or China. but some say that if you work hard enough, you can take this bite.

    The first oranges weren’t orange

    The original Southeast Asian orange was a hybrid of mandarin orange and pomelo, which was actually green. In fact, oranges in temperate regions such as Vietnam and Thailand remain green until mature.

    Pineapple works as a natural meat tenderizer

    The fruit is packed with an enzyme called bromelain, which breaks down protein chains and is ideal for marinating meat when you don’t have time.

    But for the same reason, the enzyme also breaks down gelatin, so pineapple can’t be used for jams or jellies.

    Bromelain is so strong that pineapple processors must wear protective gloves. Otherwise, over time the enzymes will eat the skin of your face and hands, leaving dry skin and small scratches.

    The entire population of the world could adapt to Los Angeles

    Total population of the world exceeds 8.0 billion. And obviously, that number sounds huge.

    However, according to National Geographic, it might be a little more manageable to know that everyone could fit within 500 square miles of Los Angeles if they were all standing side by side.

    There is only one letter that does not appear in the name of any American state

    Who can guess the answer to this random fact? You’ll find Z Arizona, J New Jersey, and two more Xs New Mexico and Texas, but Q not one.

    The hottest chili in the world is hot enough to kill you

    The “Weapon Grade” Dragon’s Breath Chili Pepper is very hot and deadly. If you eat it, it potentially causes a kind of anaphylactic shock, burning the airways and closing them.

    Why do you make such an impractical pepper? After all, chillies were originally developed for medical use as an anesthetic that can numb the skin.

    Johnny Appleseed’s fruits weren’t for eating

    Yes, a real John Chapman has planted thousands of apple trees in US soil. But those tree apples were much bitter than those found in today’s supermarkets. “Johnny Appleseed”did not expect his fruit to be eaten whole, but rather made into tough apple cider..

    Humans are the only animals that blush

    We are also believed to be the only animal that feels embarrassed-complex emotions that require us to understand the opinions of others and other factors. Charles Darwin called blush “the most unique and most human of all expressions.

    Samsung tests phone durability with a butt-shaped robot

    Have you reconsidered everything from these interesting facts? People always hide their smartphones in their back pockets. That’s why Samsung created a robot that looks like a butt. Yes, even wearing jeans and “sitting” on a smartphone allows me to withstand the pressure.

    Apple Pie isn’t actually American at all

    The next time you call “American like Apple Pie,” you may need to consider the fact that neither Apple Pie nor Apple originally came from the United States.

    Apples are actually of Asian origin, and the first recorded recipe for apple pies was actually written in England.

    The feeling of being lost inside a mall is known as Gruen relocation

    We’ve all heard about how casinos are designed to deliberately confuse visitors and prevent them from accurately tracking time and place. But do you know that there are similar strategies in shopping mall design?

    This phenomenon, formally known as the “Groen transfer,” was named after Austrian architect Victor Gruen.

    The most densely populated island in the world is the size of two football fields

    The Columbia Coast is the size of two football fields, but the artificial island has 4 main streets and 10 neighborhoods.

    The island has about 155 homes and 500 people.According to The Guardian, many people are squeezing into such a small space that it is becoming the most populous island in the world.

    The The name “Windy City” has nothing to do with the weather in Chicago

    Was this one of the random facts you already know? The Chicago nickname was coined by 19th-century journalists referring to the fact that its resident was “tare” and “heated.”

    The wood frog can urine hold for up to eight months

    Talk about what you have to do! Alaska frogs retain urine for up to eight months, pushing it out during the long winters of the region, then releasing the body when temperatures rise.

    Urine, in fact, helps animals stay alive during hibernation, and there are special microorganisms in the gut that recycle urea to nitrogen.

    More people visit France than any other country

    France is a beautiful country, full of good wines, good cheeses and lots of romance. According to the UN World Tourism Organization, France wants to visit more people than any other country in the world.

    The unicorn is the national animal of Scotland

    Yes, it’s a legendary creature, but the Scottish national animal is a mythical unicorn that was actually chosen for its superiority and chivalry in Celtic mythology, and its connection with purity and innocence.

    The Longest Place Name on The Planet Consists of 85 Letters.

    People who live in Mamunku, Kumpurung, Chun-Chunya Hill in Australia need a little patience when learning the spelling of their hometown name. But what do you know?

    South Africa’s Massachusetts and Two Buffels Meet-Scootmoos Dood Gesquiet Fontaine’s Chargoga Goggman Lake Chauga Gogg Chaub Nagun Magaga Lake.

    Peanuts Aren’t Technically Nuts

    These are legumes. According to Merriam-Webster, nuts are nuts only if they are “dried fruit with a hard shell, or seeds with peeling hulls or shells and inner kernels.” So walnuts, almonds, cashews, and pistachios are not nuts either. These are seeds.

    The hottest place on the planet is in Liby

    In particular, the hottest spot ever recorded on Earth is El Aziziya in Libya, where a temperature of 136 degrees Fahrenheit was recorded on September 13, 1922.

    While hotter spots are likely to have occurred in other parts of the planet at other times, this is the highest temperature ever recorded officially by a weather station.

    Four babies are born every second

    Every second, we welcome four newborns to the general public. A little calculation shows that there are about 250 deliveries per minute, 15,000 deliveries per hour and 360,000 deliveries daily. According to the Ecology Global Network, approximately 131.4 million babies are born on Earth in one year.

    The largest living organism known is a aspen grove

    Pando is a group of genetically identical seismic aspen in Utah with an interconnected root system. Estimated 80,000 years ago, occupying over 100 acres.

    Only three countries in the world do not use the metric method.

    For simplicity, most of the over 200 countries in the world use the metric system to represent things like length and mass.However, three countries stand out: Liberia, Myanmar and the United States.

    Armadillo shells are bulletproof

    In fact, one of the men in Texas was hospitalized when a bullet fired at Armadillo bounced off the animal and hit the chin.

    Lose up to 30% of your taste buds during flight

    That might explain why airplane food has such a bad reputation. Airplane altitude can negatively affect our ability to taste. According to a 2010 study by the German Institute for Building Physics.

    Fraunhofer, high altitude dryness, and low blood pressure reduce the sensitivity of human taste buds to sweet and salty foods by about 30 percent. Add to that that dry cabin air affects our ability to smell, and our ability to taste is further reduced.

    M&M stands for Mars and Murrie

    Forest Mars, the founder’s son of Mars, first discovered the British smartie pastry during the Spanish Civil War, and noticed that the candy husk prevented the chocolate from melting.

    He worked with Bruce Marie, son of Hershey Chocolate’s president, and the company later registered the trademark “Mertz in your mouth, not your mouth.

    Firefighters use wetting agents to make water wetter

    Chemicals reduce the surface tension of fresh water, which makes it easier for them to spread and permeate objects. That is why it is called “wet water”

    Your nostrils work one at a time

    As you breathe in and out through your nose throughout the day, your work switches every few hours, with one nostril doing most of the work at a time.

    This “nasal cycle” is determined by the same autonomic nervous system that regulates heart rate, digestion, and other unconscious bodily functions, so when the nose is blocked, one nostril is blocked at a time.

    Cats have fewer toes on their back paws

    Like most four-footed mammals, the forefoot has five toes, but the hindfoot has only four. Scientists believe that the four-toe hind legs may help to run faster.

    The odds of hitting a royal flush are exactly 1 in 649,740

    Poker demons are slightly more likely to have straight flush. Try 72,192 to 1. You have a 42% chance of winning one pair out of your 5,462 poker hands.

    Only two mammals like spicy food: man and shrew

    Humans have long been thought to be the only mammals that really enjoy spicy food, but a new addition: Chinese researchers have found that shrews have mutations in the TRPV1 ion channel receptor.

    Has been shown to be less sensitive to high temperature chemicals. A substance contained in pepper. As a result, adorable creatures gladly ate corn pellets with the addition of capsaicin, a compound that makes spices for peppers, while other mammals in the study avoided them.

    The lowest recorded temperature was -144 degrees Fahrenheit

    You might think you’re used to the frigid air and heavy winds, but the average winter day was -144 degrees Fahrenheit, the coldest day ever recorded.

    Temperatures were recorded in Antarctica during a series of studies from 2004 to 2016. Only a few breaths of air at that temperature cause bleeding in your lungs and kill you.

    A baby puffin is called a “puffling”

    According to Audubon, the parent puffins carry about 10 fish at a time in their beaks to feed their chicks, but the largest catch recorded is 62.

    A chef’s toque contains 100 folds

    Most diners can’t delve into what the chef is wearing as they are too busy watching the dishes, but in reality, the traditional Talk Chef’s hat is exactly 100 times more accurate.

    Contains folds. It’s not just a round number. These folds are said to represent multiple ways to cook an egg, but Bon Appetit’s research was unable to pinpoint where this claim begins.

    The blue whale eats half a million calories in one bite

    These random facts are amazing! These 457,000 calories are more than 240 times the energy whales need to fish for krill.

    The earth’s ozone layer will be fully restored in 50 years

    Due to pollution, the ozone layer of the Earth has been seriously damaged.This is bad news for everyone, as the fragile gas shield protects our planet and protects us from the harmful UV rays of the sun.

    Fortunately, according to a 2018 UN report, climate change experts believe the ozone layer will be fully restored within 50 years.

    Most of the recovery was made possible by the Montreal Protocol of 1987. This banned the use of one of the major victims, chlorofluorocarbons (CFO), globally. Previously, CFO was common in refrigerators, and dry cleaning chemicals.

    There are four times more speakers of English as a second language than native speakers

    This is the most widely spoken tongue in the world, with about 2 billion people learning it as a second language and only 350 million speaking it natively.

    Rabbits can’t puke

    Rabbits cannot exhale, unlike cats and other animals, which can exude pills if they digest fur and other indigestibles too much. Because their digestive system is unidirectional, furry creatures swallow large amounts of forage and keep things moving in the right direction.

    Turkeys can blush

    When the turkey is scared or excited-for example, when a man is looking at a woman of interest-thin skin on the head and neck turns bright red, blue, or white. The flap of the skin covering the beak, called “sneezing,” also turns red

    The lyrebird can imitate almost any sound it hears, including a chainsaw

    Wildlife watchers have recorded that Australian species mimic other birds, as well as other animals such as koalas, and artificial sounds such as car alarms and camera blinds.

    The human body literally glows

    It can be difficult to see with the naked eye, but everyone who goes by every day literally glows. The human body emits a small amount of visible light which is “visible” in a technical sense; lighting is about 1000 times weaker than the level of light you actually see.

    Japanese researchers used a special camera to track this glow and found that it fluctuated throughout the day.

    The body emits its lowest light level around 10 am and the highest light level around 4 pm. This is the rhythm that scientists attribute to changes in metabolism.

    Most Disney characters wear gloves to simplify animation

    Walt Disney may have donned his character’s glove first, as seen in The Opry House starring Mickey Mouse in 1929. Besides being easier to animate.

    Elvis only won 3 Grammys

    The King of Rock’n’ Roll made 18 #1 hits in his career, but lost 11 out of 14 candidates. The record for the Grammy award belongs to George Solty, a long-standing director of the 31 award-winning Chicago Symphony Orchestra.

    Copper door knobs are self-disinfecting

    Alloys such as copper and brass have long been popular materials for making doorknobs. After all, it can not only improve the color of the metal. In fact, this substance is known to kill bacteria.

    According to a study by the National University of Kathmandu in Nepal, “metal ions denature and cause the precipitation and inactivation of target cell proteins by binding to reactive groups.

    High affinity of cellular proteins for metal ions. , Cells due to the cumulative action of ions inside the cell.

    Cows don’t have upper front teeth

    They have molars at the top of their mouth. The incisors of the upper jaw of cows, sheep and goats have a thick layer of tissue called a “dental pad”. They use it with their lower teeth to pluck grass

    Japan is the world’s most earthquake-prone country

    Earthquakes range from tiny tremors that are hardly noticeable to those that cause severe damage when a building falls.

    But for people living in countries such as China, Indonesia, Iran, and Turkey, which are some of the most earthquake-prone places on earth, it’s an inevitable part of life.

    Coca-Cola was the first soft drink in space

    The Coca-Cola Company has produced over 10 billion gallons of syrup since Atlanta pharmacist John Pemberton invented the formula in 1886. Lots of sugar!

    Cotton candy was invented by a dentist

    I don’t know if William Morrison had a conspiracy to invent soft candy, but the dentist has definitely helped others in their profession to continue to attract many clients.

    In 1897, we partnered with candy maker John C. Wharton to develop a cotton candy machine, then known as the Fairy Floss, and have been making tooth decay for children ever since.

    The flag of modern America was designed by a high school student.

    It started as a project of Bob Heft Middle School and became a B-grade in 1958. Alaska and Hawaii weren’t yet states, but their designs received 50 stars.

    Heft soon decided to get state status and showed his plan to the government. Heft’s teacher changed his grades to A after President Dwight D. Eisenhower called and said his project was approved.

    There are about 4 quadrilateral bacteria on Eart

    Not all bacteria are bad. In fact, some of these tiny living cells actually help us and help the world in a variety of complex ways. According to NPR, considering that our planet has about to 4 trillion bacteria.

    Computer mouse speed is measured in “Mickeys.”

    British scientists invented the rollerball device while working in the Royal Navy in 1946, but the word “mouse” did not appear until 1965.

    Fingernails don’t grow after you die

    Despite what you may have seen on other random trivia lists, your nails and hair don’t really continue to grow after you die.

    Growth requires a constant supply of glucose, which stops when the heart stops beating, preventing further growth.

    In fact, the skin around the hair follicles and nails can become long after death, becoming dehydrated and partially contracting.

    A quarter of the Sahara Desert is sandy

    Mountains and oasis are included, but most are covered with gravel. Oh, it’s not the largest desert in the world Antarctica

    Muhammad is believed to be the most popular name in the world

    Put John, James, Mary and Jane aside. Muhammad is considered the most popular name in the world..

    According to Independent, an estimated 150 million men and boys share the name worldwide. This popularity is due to the Islamic tradition of naming each first born son after an Islamic prophet.

    Pumpkin, squash, and squash are technically the same species

    Yes, zucchini and jack o lanterns are exactly the same. Cucurbita pepo, a species born in Mexico more than 10,000 years ago. Since then, farmers have developed many cultivars we know today.

    By most definitions, the English word is “set”

    According to the Guinness Book of Records, “set” has the most meanings of English words, and the second edition of the 1989 Oxford English Dictionary lists 430 different meanings.

    The word “sets” the record at 60,000 words or 326,000 characters, and since then no other English word has come close.

    Bananas grow upside-down

    Technically clean upside down. These random facts affect the way you eat fruits. Not surprisingly, it grows outwards from the stem, which actually means that the bottom faces the sky. As the fruit grows, it heads to the sun, forming a characteristic curve.

    Just two countries use purple in their national flags

    Are you looking for more interesting facts? Now this is one. In the center of the Nicaragua flag is a rainbow containing a purple band.

    The flag of Dominica has a picture of a cicada parrot, a bird with purple wings. These elements make it the only two flags in the world that use the purple color.

    Only one NFL team has a logo plant

    New Orleans Saint Iris is actually a stylized lily, historically associated with the French monarchy. It is also the symbol of Louisiana and is featured on the Quebec flag.

    Pigeons can tell the difference between a picture by Monet and Picasso

    A 1995 study published in the Journal of Experimental Analysis of Behavior allows researchers to teach pigeons to distinguish between Claude Monet’s and Pablo Picasso’s paintings when showing slides they have never seen before.

    I reported. When the Picasso image was flipped over, most art lovers could not yet know that it was Picasso. Maybe that’s why they enjoy landing on statues so much.

    Volcanoes were active on the moon during the life of dinosaurs

    Most volcanoes probably stopped 1 billion years ago, but new discoveries from NASA suggest that active lava flows could have been 100 million years ago when dinosaurs were still moving.

    The period above the lower case is called “title” “i” or “j”

    This little dot above the lowercase letters “I” and “j” has the real name. The title. The phrase “to a T” is believed to actually come from the phrase “to to tittle”.

    This is a phrase that has been used interchangeably since the early 17th century. (The first recording of this phrase was in the 1607 play Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher’s “The Hate Woman,” which reads, “I quote him a little.”

    Not every Model T was black

    The first few years of production, Ford’s iconic cars were gray, green, blue, and red. This was after 1914, when customers could order “any black color” because dark paint dries faster than others.

    Nearly 90% of the world’s rural population lives in Africa and Asia

    Not everyone lives in a thriving city or vast suburbs. According to Reuters, many people are still building homes outside noisy places.

    Especially in India, the most people live in the countryside (about 883 million people live outside the city). China’s rural population is also very large, with 578 million people living outside its main centre.

    Dogs sniff good smells with their left nostril

    Dogs usually start sniffing in the right nostril and leave it if the odor may indicate danger, but move to the left to look for fun things like food or mates.

    Most expensive coins in the world sold for over $7 million

    The 1933 Double Eagle is a $ 20 gold coin that never made it into circulation. Some coins were created, but most were destroyed. Nine copies were rescued and were estimated to have been stolen by workers at the US Mint.

    The coin was sold at Sotheby’s for an astounding $ 7,590,020 in 2002 after circling the world for many years and falling into the hands of several prominent owners, including the King of Egypt. it was She became the most expensive coin ever sold at auction.

    Northern Cardinal is the most popular state bird

    Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia, and West Virginia were selected as favorite species. The Western Lark is ranked second in six other states.

    Chewing gum boosts concentration

    The next time you’re having trouble focusing, it’s a good idea to grab the chewing gum. A 2013 study in the British Journal of Psychology found that subjects who chewed gum while participating in a memory test were able to stay focused longer than those who did not chew.

    Avocados were named after reproductive organs

    Indigenous peoples in Mexico and Central America used the word Nawatl Schwakatl for both “testicles” and “avocados.” The fruit was originally sold in the United States as “Wasabi Pear” until it was given its current name.

    Superman didn’t always fly

    In the original comic, Superman was able to jump over tall buildings in one jump. But he had to return to Earth-because he didn’t fly.

    Only in the 1940s did the new anime series Animator decide that Superman could fly into the air because it was difficult to bend and draw at the knees. The reader saw the animation flowing and the superhero gained new power.

    Frank Lloyd Wright’s son invented Lincoln Logs

    A renowned architect’s design at the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo inspired John Lloyd Wright to create a very small cross log for children.

    World’s largest artificial oyster reef made in Maryland

    Oyster populations in the Chesapeake Bay of Maryland are heavily affected by overfishing and disease.

    However, thanks to the dedication of scientists from Hornpoint Laboratory, Army soldiers, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the state now has the world’s largest man-made oyster reef.

    With more than a billion oysters, this region is a no-fishing zone and we hope it will be an opportunity to restore the population.

    Mercedes invented a car controlled by joystick

    The 1966 Mercedes F200 joystick controlled the vehicle’s speed and direction and replaced the steering wheel and pedals. The car can also detect which side the driver is seated on so that someone can control it from the passenger seat.

    The first computer was invented in the 1940s

    Supercomputers are everywhere today and don’t take up much space. Is there an Xbox One in the living room? This is a super computer.

    Laptop/tablet hybrid in your bag? This is also a super computer. (Don’t start with what’s in your pocket) But when supercomputers first appeared, they needed more space. Check out the world’s first Electronic Numeric Integrator and Computer.

    The first ENIAC weighed 60,000 pounds, built by the University of Pennsylvania Department of Engineering in 1946, occupying more space than most studio apartments (1,500 square feet). ENIAC was sent to the army shortly after construction and was used to calculate ballistic trajectories (translation: missile launch) with terrifying accuracy.

    About 700 grapes in one wine

    If you’re wondering how much “fruit” you can get by unplugging your favorite red bottle, it’s about 2.6 pounds.

    South Sudan is the youngest country in the world

    Some countries are hundreds of years old, while others can trace their history up to thousands of years ago. However, South Sudan in North Africa just became independent of Sudan in 2011 and is now the youngest country in the world.

    The Government Saved All Tweets From 2006 To 2017

    Since 2018, the Library of Congress has decided to only store tweets on a “very selective basis,” including those related to national interests such as elections and public policy.

    Space smells like seared steak

    Ever wondered what the scent of space was like when an astronaut saw an image of peacefully floating in space? Well, according to some former astronauts, space has a distinct odor that predominates after extravehicular activity.

    A $1 bill costs 5 cents to make

    According to the Federal Reserve, one dollar was enough for about six years and is now in circulation for about $ 1.97 trillion in US currency.

    There are over 24 time zones around the world

    If the earth’s time zones are one hour apart, then there are 24 time zones, which sounds pretty easy. However, the situation is a bit more complicated. Many time zones differ by only 30 or 45 minutes, so they don’t fit into a neat and organized 24 hour span.

    H&M actually does stand for something

    This is probably one of the random facts that you have never thought of before. The clothing retailer was originally known as Hennes (Swedish for “she”) prior to the acquisition of Mauritz Widforss, a brand of hunting and fishing equipment.

    The longest wedding veil was as long as the 63.5 football field

    When Cypriot woman Maria Paraskeva married in August 2018, her goal was not just to say yes. She also decided to set a record.

    As a kid, I always dreamed of breaking the Guinness World Record with the longest wedding veil. She made her dream come true by wearing a lace veil that extended over 22,843 feet and 2.11 inches, or up to 63.5 football pitches.

    Theodore Roosevelt had a pet hyena

    Its name is Bill and was a gift from the Ethiopian emperor. Roosevelt was famous for many pets, including one-legged roosters, badgers, ponies, and little bears.

    Almost half of the world’s population watched the 2010 and 2014 FIFA World Cup games

    Soccer, or football depending on who you ask, is the most popular sport in the world. As a result, when both the 2010 and 2014 FIFA World Cup games took place, almost half of the world’s population, approximately 3.2 billion, participated to see who would win.

    The 24 year old Spotify track has the highest number of streams per day

    In November, Mariah Carey’s song “All I Want for Christmas” set the Guinness World Record for the most streamed Spotify track in 24 hours – more than 20 years after the 1994 holiday hit.

    There are 43 countries that still have a royal family

    The British royal family is arguably the most famous royal family on earth, but there are many other nobles.

    There are a total of 28 royal families that govern 43 countries around the world, including Japan, Spain, Swaziland, Bhutan, Thailand, Monaco, Sweden, the Netherlands and Liechtenstein.

    Cap’n Crunch’s full name is Horatio Magellan Crunch

    It is also known that he only has a naval commander’s panel, but the so-called captain holds a position on Twitter C. When you add Guppy S.

    The unicorn is the national animal of Scotland

    Scotland is proud of one of the world’s most famous and legendary creatures, the Loch Ness monster, but the country has decided to make another mythical animal the national animal, the unicorn.

    This may seem like a strange choice, but Visit Scotland explains that unicorns have played an important role in the history of the country. Back in the 12th century, William I used the “Proud Beast” on the coat of arms of the Scottish royal family.

    Crown Jewel contains the largest two cut diamonds on the planet

    Both come from the Cullinan diamond, a 3,106-carat gem discovered in South Africa in 1905. The largest stone, called the African star, is in the ruler’s scepter, while the second largest is set on the imperial crown.

    California is the “artichoke capital of the world

    Castroville is a rural California town where many artichokes and other vegetable crops are grown year round due to the region’s ideal weather conditions. For this reason, 99.9% of all commercially grown artichokes are grown here, which is even called the “world capital of artichokes”.

    Europeans were afraid to eat tomatoes when they were introduced

    Scientists believe that Hernán Cortez brought the seeds in 1519 with the intention of using the fruit for ornamental purposes in the garden. By the 1700s, aristocrats began to eat tomatoes, but they were convinced that the fruit was poisonous. In fact, he died of lead poisoning because the sourness of the tomatoes brought lead into the pewter plate.

    Bees sometimes sting other bees

    Bees are notorious for being bitten, but humans are not the only ones experiencing this pain in the neck (or arms, or legs…). “To protect the birdhouse from outsiders, some “bees” stand at the entrance and sniff the incoming bees,” says Marianne Pesso of the Macquarie University School of Biology. When a malicious bee from another hive tries to steal nectar, the bee bites and even stings the intruder.

    Baby sea otters can’t swim

    Their mother wraps them in seaweed while hunting, until the cheerful puppies learn to row. The otter’s raft does not fall apart, as it holds hands during sleep!

    All giant pandas in zoos around the world are rented from China

    A panda from the local zoo may end up in a cozy reserve. But if you don’t live in China, the panda you are looking at just comes to visit. This is because all the friendly giants in the world’s zoos are rented from China. Yes, according to Vox, they are the property of the Chinese government.

    Humans aren’t the only animals that dream

    Research shows that mice dream of reaching food and running through mazes. Scientists believe they have an opportunity because most mammals experience REM sleep, a cycle in which dreams occur.

    Kids ask 300 questions a day

    A 2013 study by Little Woods in the UK focused on young children and recorded questions from adults around them..

    Research shows that babies tend to rely on their mothers’ answers, and that these mothers can, on average, have about 300 questions a day, or answer one question every two and a half minutes. ..

    Mom said that the hardest questions they were asked were “Why is the water wet?” And “What is the shadow made of?”

    World record for the largest title in the world

    It is owned by Ashlit Furman of Brooklyn New Yorker, who has set more than 600 Guinness world records in his lifetime and ranges from the heaviest shoes (323 lbs) to most baseball with baseball gloves (26).

    The “most typical human” fits this description

    According to a 2011 study for National Geographic, the “most typical” person in the world is right-handed, less than $ 12,000 a year, has a mobile phone and does not have a bank account. Hmm.

    The inventor of the microwave appliance only received $2 for his discovery

    Percy Spencer was working as a researcher at the American Appliance Company (now Raytheon) when he discovered that an electromagnetic radar was melting a candy bar in his pocket. He had an idea to use a microwave oven to make a metal box that heats food, but the company filed for a patent. He got a $ 2 bonus, but no royalties.

    The total weight of ants on earth was once the same as the total weight of a person

    According to the BBC, entomologists calculated that there are at least 1 million trillion insects, of which only 1 percent are ants. And if you take all these ants (about 100 billion) and put them on one side of a huge scale, you can put almost everyone in the world on the other side and balance the situation.
    Unfortunately, today it is probably unbearable because people have become heavier, but it used to be. Francis Latonix, professor of beekeeping at the University of Sussex, told the BBC that this could have been true some 2,000 years ago.

    The Oscars Academy used to award children’s performers

    The award show abandoned the Academy Boys Award in 1960, after famous names such as Shirley Temple and Judy Garland took the honor. Also, are you voting? Best dance direction and best title writing.

    Canada has nine percent of the world’s forests

    Natural Resources According to Canada, the north neighbor boasts 396.9 million hectares of forest, accounting for 9% of the world’s forest area.

    Glitter was made on a ranch

    It is believed that the New Jersey rancher invented the glitter, which was a coincidence. Born in Bernersville, NJ, Henry Rushman was a brilliant mechanic in 1934 looking for ways to crush and dispose of plastic.

    “E” is the most common letter and appears in 11% of all English words

    Write whatever you like Let’s see how often each letter of the alphabet appears. You can see many e’s. According to Oxford Dictionaries, commonly used vowels are found in about 11% of all English words. The next most popular letter is “a”, which occurs in about 8.5% of all words. The least common letter is “q”, which occurs in only 0.2% of words.

    There is a word for animals with partial loss of pigment

    Although albinism is a congenital absence of pigmentation or pigmentation, leukemia is another rare condition in which some pattern or color persists.

    The quelea with a red bile is the most common bird on Earth

    There may not be red-billed primates in your area, but not because it’s not very common. Found in sub-Saharan Africa, these birds are considered “agricultural pests” because their huge flock can destroy entire crops. According to Audubon, the numbers vary, but between 1 billion and 10 billion cells, scientists believe they are more abundant than any other bird on earth.

    Creature is a vegetarian

    Victor Frankenstein’s creatures are actually vegetarians. Frankenstein and the Creatures are fictional characters created by Mary Shelley in Frankenstein. In the novel, this creature speaks. “My food is not human. I do not destroy or eat lambs and children. Acorns and berries feed me well. “

    If Facebook were a country, it would have 1 billion more people than China.

    Facebook has 2.45 billion monthly users, which is smaller than the population of China (1.4 billion) and India (1.3 billion). Even Instagram now has three times as many people as the United States.

    There is a website that tracks the people of the world in real time

    As of 2019, the total population is over 7.7 billion. And if you want to see this increase in real time, you can tune it to the World Population Clock to see the ticks up and down when your baby is born and others die.

    Medical errors are a top cause of death

    According to the Johns Hopkins Research Group, 250,000 people die from medical malpractice in the United States every year. This makes malpractice the third leading cause of death in the country.

    Panama has the healthiest place in the world

    According to the 2018 International Living Report, a small valley near the volcano in Panama has earned the title of the healthiest home.

    The area, called the Shangri-La Valley, is famous for its beautiful scenery, low cost of living, and longer life expectancy than the surrounding area. Overall, according to the rankings, the healthiest regions in the world share some common elements: warm climate, a vibrant social life, a healthy diet, and a slow pace that causes daily stress reduction.

    Two-Buck Chuck once won a top wine award

    2002 Charles Shaw Shiraz Trader Joe wins the prestigious double gold medal at the 28th Annual International Oriental Wine Competition, ahead of 2,300 other wines.

    About one in 200 males are direct descendants of Genghis Khan

    Genghis Khan gave birth to countless children during his life from 1162 to 1227. And while you may not know exactly how many descendants of the Mongolian empire’s leaders are, according to a 2003 historic genetics article, scientists are now 1 in 200 men, I believe that 16 million people are his direct descendants.

    Sloths have more neck bones than giraffes

    Despite its physical length, the sloth’s neck has more bone than a giraffe. The giraffe’s neck, and most mammals, have seven vertebrae, while the sloth has ten.

    A pharaoh once put his slaves in honey to keep insects away

    The ancient Egyptian pharaohs were believed to be literally divine. The very word pharaoh means “a wonderful house”, like the house of God. In fact, Pepia, who is believed to have ruled for 90 years, ordered one of his slaves to cover with honey when insects irritated him, and ordered the flies away from him.

    Copenhagen is one of the most bike friendly heart cities in the world

    In many parts of the world, we are looking for ways to redesign our infrastructure to accommodate cyclists and hopefully we are encouraging people to use environmentally friendly transportation. That is why Copenhagen became such a role model. According to Wired, it is the most cyclist-friendly city in the world.

    Paint used to be stored in pig bladders

    In the 19th century, pig bags were used to store artist paints. The bladder was sealed with laces, a hole was punched and the paint was wiped off. This option was suboptimal as it was frequently broken.

    American artist John J. Land was an innovator who made paint tubes with tin and screw caps in the 19th century.

    Some people have extra bone in the knee

    If you get the impression that the evolution of the human body is over, think again. It turns out that some people have bones in their knees called patella.

    Although this particular bone of unknown purpose was once in decline, it has become more prevalent over the past century and a half. Going back to 1875, nearly 18 percent of the people surveyed had favelas. By 1918, that number had dropped to 11 percent. But by 2018, 39 percent of people had this mysterious bone.

    Adult literacy rate around the world is about 86%

    According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, more and more people are learning to read with each new generation.

    Nowadays, about 86% of adults around the world can enjoy books. UNESCO also explained that their data “indicates a marked improvement in literacy among young people and a steady decrease in gender differences.” Fifty years ago, nearly a quarter of young people lacked basic literacy skills, compared to less than 10% in 2016. “

    Only two countries have names that start with “The”

    Thanks to grammar and general pronunciation, when referring to different names of countries or places, we can say “the” before that. Therefore, it is called the USA or the Maldives. However, only the Gambia and the Bahamas officially include “the” in the country name.

    At the Olympics, people jumped beyond horses

    The Olympic world record for the longest long jump in humans exceeds the world record for the longest long jump on horses.Mike Powell set a record with a jump of 8.95 meters in 1991 and Extra Dry Horse set a record with a jump of 6.10 meters in 1900.

    Pringles aren’t actually potato chips

    Please look carefully next time you see a Pringles jar. There is no word “chip” on the packaging. This is because pringles are not made of thinly sliced ​​potatoes, but dehydrated potato flakes that give them their characteristic parabolic shape.

    This reduces their fat content. However, when other potato chip makers complained, the Food and Drug Administration ruled that Pringles should not be sold as chips. As a result, the company settled on “potato chips.”

    The sea contains about 200,000 viruses

    The next time you want to swim in the great blue sea, you may not want to take into account the fact that there are about 200,000 viruses in seemingly natural waters.

    It may sound intimidating, but Matthew Sullivan, a microbiologist at Ohio State University, told CNN: I hate to say this, but one day I may need to design an ocean to combat climate change.

    The Terminator script was sold for $1

    James Cameron is the director of award-winning films such as Titanic, Avatar and The Terminator. He promised that he could sell the script for $ 1 and control it to get great results with The Terminator.

    There’s a giant fish with a transparent head

    The deepest levels of our ocean are some of the most unexplored regions of the planet. Due to the intense pressure, cold and darkness at these depths, only the strangest creatures can survive there.

    These include giant tube worms, vampire squid, goblin sharks, and snake fish with teeth that are too long to close their mouths. But perhaps the strangest is barley-a large fish with a completely transparent head.

    Tokyo is the largest city in the world with a population of 37 million

    Tokyo is a fast growing city not only by Japanese standards, but also in comparison with other cities in the world. Tokyo is home to about 37 million people, according to Reuters, making it the largest city in the world in terms of population.

    Onions were found in the eyes of an Egyptian mummy

    Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt Ramses IV replaced eyes with small bulbs during mummification.Onion rings and layers were worshiped because people believed that they represent eternal life.

    This is consistent with the reason for the mummification. This is done so that the body of the pharaoh can live forever. I hope that all these interesting facts do not apply to current practice.

    There’s a decorated war hero dog

    While in the trenches of the First World War, the US 1st Infantry Division was unable to communicate with other units due to damage to telephone lines from the bombing.

    A young civilian came up with a unique solution: a mixed terrier, adopted by soldiers in Paris, transmits a message from one branch to another and puts it on his collar. He saved many lives and was buried as a sign of military honor – at the age of 20, the very age of Maryland – when Lago died.

    Nearly two people die each second

    It is estimated that four children are born every second on Earth, but about two die at the same time. That means 105 deaths every minute, 6,316 deaths every hour, 151,600 deaths every day, and 55.3 million deaths each year. Sorry, not all interesting facts are fun!

    Abraham Lincoln was a bartender

    I know that the 16th President of the United States fought for slavery and union freedom, but you didn’t know he was a licensed bartender. Lincoln’s liquor license was opened in 1930 and listed for sale at a liquor store in Springfield.

    Lincoln expert Wayne K. Temple told Southeast Missouria that Congress would drink a lot of Ulysses S. Grant in 1863, and Lincoln responded by sending Grant a supply of whiskey, so she wanted to be fired.

    Showers really do spark creativity

    Showers are good not only for your hygiene but also for your creativity. In a 2012 study published in the journal Psychological Science, researchers invited volunteers to solve their creative challenges, followed by a rest period.

    During this period, some were challenged, while others did simple tasks that wandered like a shower. Those who completed simple tasks during the break were more likely to complete their original creative tasks.

    Japan released sushi-inspired KitKats

    For a limited time in 2017, I made three types of sushi-like chocolate bars at KitKat Chocolatery in Tokyo, but they didn’t taste like sashimi. The tuna sushi was actually raspberry, the seaweed roll was pumpkin pudding, and the sea urchin sushi was flavored with Hokkaido melon mascarpone cheese. Everything is made with pudding, white chocolate and wasabi.

    North Korean teachers once needed to play the accordion

    The popular musical instrument in North Korea is the accordion. As a result, all teachers had to play in order to get their education certificate. The accordion could be worn differently from, for example, a grand piano, and it was considered a “human instrument” that could be taken outside and played for workers on stage.

    The word aquarium in Latin means “cow fountain”

    Aquarium means “cow fountain” in classical Latin. However, modern aquariums are not meant for cattle, but for the general public to see marine life. The first aquarium you can imagine today was created in 1921 and opened in England in 1924.

    Water makes different pouring noises depending on the temperature

    If you listen carefully, the sound of hot and cold water when you pour it is a little different. Heat changes the thickness and viscosity of water and changes the pitch of the pouring sound. What you feel as warmth is that water molecules move faster. Cold water is thicker and produces a slightly higher sound.

    Espresso maker dispatched to space in 2015

    Samantha Cristoforetti is the first female astronaut from Italy to send her piece of a warm and cozy home into orbit. The Italian space agency has partnered with the Italian Lavazza coffee machine to deliver coffee capsules into space.

    Most laughter isn’t because things are funny

    All cultures of the world laugh, but surprisingly, most of our laughter is not necessarily a reaction to humor. Less than 20 percent of laughter comes after a joke, according to neuroscientist Robert Provine.

    The rest is a reaction to regular statements and questions such as “How are you?” When people who laugh together are close together, laughter helps build/bond social bonds.

    A Pixar employee accidentally deleted a series of Toy Story 2 during production

    Pixar co-founder Ed Catmull said he typed “/ bin / rm -r -f *” on the disk where the files were stored a year before the movie was shown. I write at Creativity Inc.

    The scene began to recede. It took a year to recreate the deleted movie, but fortunately another employee at home made a complete backup of the film on his laptop.

    Tricycle inventor personally delivered two to Queen Victoria

    In 1881 Queen Victoria was on a tour of the Isle of Wight, but her horse and wagon could not catch up with the woman on a tricycle.

    The Queen forced the servant to identify the woman in order to show the tricycle to the Queen. Intrigued by the bike, the queen ordered two. She also asked the inventor James Starry to arrive by delivery.

    Whilst they may associate tricycles with young children, Queen Victoria has made them cool among the elite. Essentials are definitely a royal bonus.

    Our European ancestors were cannibals

    In sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Europe, cannibalism was a fairly common practice for medical purposes. This practice seems to have begun as the Egyptian mummies were believed to have magical healing effects.

    As the idea developed, human bones, blood and fat were used in medical formulations. Did you have a headache? Crush the skull to make tea! Medical cannibalism has become less popular, but modern medicine sometimes treats one person’s body with the help of another in the form of blood donations, organ transplants, and skin grafts.

    One person saved more than 200 people from suicide

    The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco is where a lot of suicide occurs. But one California Highway Patrol officer has done more than anyone else to combat the problem.

    Officer Kevin Briggs, who fights depression himself, has interacted with over 200 people throughout his career. After retiring in 2013, Briggs wrote a book called Guardians of the Golden Gate and continues his tour of encouraging public debate about suicide and mental illness.

    Your brain synapses shrink while you sleep

    A 2003 study by the Madison Sleep and Sleep Awareness Center at the University of Wisconsin was conducted in mice to observe what happens to our brain during sleep.

    Dr. Chiara Sirelli and Dr. Julio Tononi found that after several hours of sleep, the size of synapses was reduced by 18%. But don’t worry. At night, the brain contracts and actually improves cognitive ability.

    Dogs actually understand some English

    This is incredible to some naughty dog owners, but dogs can learn to recognize a vocabulary of approximately 165 words. Not surprisingly, dogs respond best not only to short words, but also to hard consonant words such as “t” and “p”.

    If you want to increase your dog’s vocabulary, be consistent. For example, food is always called “dinner” rather than breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Do not believe in myths. Older dogs can learn words as well as younger dogs.

    The Waffle Maker inspired one of the first pairs of Nike sneakers

    Bilbauermann was an athletics coach in the 1950s and disliked how to make sneakers.He first created Cortez shoes, but he still wanted to make them lighter in many ways. While having a waffle breakfast with my wife in 1970, I got the idea to use a waffle texture for the sole of my sneakers.

    You have a nail in your body

    At least one component. Iron is an essential nutrient required by the human body. This helps your red blood cells carry oxygen. And this is necessary to generate energy throughout the body.

    Therefore, iron deficiency can make you feel tired. Surprisingly, a healthy adult has about 3 grams of iron, so if you pull it out and melt it, you can get a nail up to 3 inches long.

    Boars wash their food

    According to National Geographic, at the Basel zoo in Switzerland, zookeepers picked sand apples from adults and young boars and washed them before transporting them to a nearby stream and eating them.

    Some foods, such as sugar beet, were eaten without human action, but the boar carried whole dead chickens into a stream and washed them off before eating. One ecologist called it “luxury behavior.”

    Redheads aren’t actually going extinct

    There are regular rumors on the internet that natural redheads will die out by 2060. Ginger is lucky everywhere. It is true that the genes that cause red hair are recessive.

    That is, both parents must have it so that their child has red hair. However, people other than redheads can also carry the gene for redheads and may appear unexpectedly from generation to generation.

    Baseball umpires used to sit in rocking chairs

    People have been playing baseball since the 19th century. At the start of the game, the referee lies on a rocking chair 20 feet behind the home plate to judge the game. By 1878, the National League also announced that home teams would have to pay referees $5 per game.

    Koalas have fingerprints

    Chimpanzees and gorillas have human-like fingerprints, and koalas also have fingerprints. In fact, koala prints are very similar to human fingerprints, even for crime scene experts.

    At that time, koalas did not commit crimes against humans, but now they know that it is possible …

    The first commercial airliner flight was only 23 minutes

    These fun facts really make you wonder how far we’ve come.A 23-minute flight may seem like a waste of money today, but in 1914 Abram Feil paid $ 400, which is $ 8,500 today, for a 23-minute plane ride .

    He flew between St. Petersburg, Florida and Tampa, Florida, where cities are separated by only 21 miles of water.The only passengers were Feil, the former mayor of St. Petersburg, and the pilot, Tony Yannus. This important flight paved the way for air travel as we know it.

    Riding on a roller coaster makes it easier to pass through kidney stones

    A research team from Michigan State University decided to investigate the phenomenon in 2016 after several people reported passing kidney stones while riding the Great Thunder Mountain Railroad in Walt Disney World. The rate of passage of kidney stones in people sitting behind a Thunder Mountain Ride. This is only 16% of the people sitting in front.

    The world’s first novel ends mid-sentence

    The tale of Genji, written by Murasaki Shikibu in the 11th century, is considered the first novel in the world. After reading 54 difficult chapters, the reader suddenly stops in the middle of a sentence.

    Dinosaurs lived on every continent

    At that time, dinosaurs lived on all continents of the planet, including Antarctica. However, we can only find bones in certain places, because the weather and soil conditions in those places were good enough for the bones to be fossilized. Scientists also speculate that there are many small dinosaurs that we don’t know because the bones are too small to be fossilized.

    Woman Called Police When Ice Cream Does Not Have Enough Sprinkles

    The West Midlands police in England announced a recording of a woman who called the 999 (UK version of 911) because “There was a blow on one side and no blow on the other side.” She was even angrier when the ice cream truck didn’t want to return the money.

    Sea lions can dance to a beat

    There are only two mammals on Earth that have been shown to move in response to an external shock.

    Humans (not all humans) and sea lions. When researchers from the University of Santa Cruz rescued a sea lion that had run aground in 2013, she found she was very smart and could even learn to dance.

    Parrots can also maintain a rhythm, but it was previously thought that only animals capable of complex phonetic learning could do this.

    Uncle Ben’s Rice Dropped Into The World War II Army

    German chemist Erich Husenlaub invented the process of steaming rice, increasing the nutrient content of the rice and shortening the cooking time. The Hausenlaub process had another unexpected advantage.

    This stopped the spread of insects. Boiled rice without bed bugs was a big advantage during World War II, and processed rice (then called) was airlifted by American and British troops.

    After the war, the company was renamed Uncle Ben’s original modified rice. It was named after one of the company’s leading suppliers in the United States. This product was launched on the market in 1947.

    Nutmeg can be fatally poisonous

    Adding a small amount of nutmeg to a pumpkin pie or egg gives a flavor and a pleasant spicy aroma. However, too much nutmeg can be toxic. A few teaspoons of raw nutmeg can cause hallucinations, seizures, pain, nausea, and delirium that can last for several days. Actual deaths are rare, but they do happen.

    South American river turtles talk in their eggs

    Because turtles have no vocal cords and their ears are inner ears, scientists thought turtles were deaf and would not communicate with sound.

    However, research has shown that turtles actually communicate at very low frequencies, such as “clicks,” “rings,” “rings,” and can only be heard with hydrophones (microphones used underwater).

    I will. These sounds are also heard in eggs before the turtle hatches. The researchers speculate that this helps all the turtle siblings hatch at the same time.

    Chinese police use geese squads

    Have you heard about police dogs, are you a police goose? As of 2013, 12 provincial police stations in China have begun to use geese as sentries.

    They are cautious animals and, as you probably know, can cause a lot of noise and disorder, which is used by creative Chinese law enforcement officers.

    This trend has not yet spread throughout China, but police in Dongguan say the geese have already stopped at least one theft.

    For 100 years, maps have shown an island that doesn’t exist

    Little is known about Sandy Island, a land the size of Manhattan in the Pacific Ocean near Australia. It may have been discovered by explorer James Cook in 1774 and began appearing on maps in 1908.

    This was until 2012, when a group of Australian scientists decided to explore the island and found that it was not there.

    Scientists theorized that Cook might actually have discovered a floating pumice raft of volcanic rock and gas. The Sydney Morning Herald has published a deadly article on Sandy Island.

    Penicillin was first called “mold juice”

    Alexander Fleming is one of the eccentric scientists who accidentally made scientific progress. In 1928, a bacteriologist left a Petri dish in his laboratory while on vacation and discovered that the liquid around the mold kills the bacteria on the dish. He became the world’s first antibiotic. But before calling it penicillin, he called it “musty juice.”

    The first iPhone wasn’t made by Apple

    The first mobile device called the iPhone was created by Cisco, not Apple. This allows users to use Skype voice features without a computer. Apple released its product only 22 days later, and Cisco sued for trademark infringement. The lawsuit was eventually settled out of court, which allowed the two companies to continue using the name. However, you probably haven’t heard of the Cisco iPhone.

    The first stroller was pulled by a goat

    This is one of the many interesting facts that have made us scratch our heads. Or a dog, or a miniature horse, but not from their parents.William Kent, landscape architect, invented the first carriage for the third Duke of Devonshire in 1733. By the mid-18th century, strollers were still quite unstable, but they had handles so that parents, not animals, could pull the baby with them.

    May 20, 1873, Blue Jeans “Birthday”

    According to Levi Strauss’ website, it was on this day that Levi Strauss and Jacob Davis, the innovators behind the durable blue jeans we all love, were the first to add metal rivets to men’s denim work pants.

    That was the day I received the patent. Trousers were called overalls until 1960, when baby boomers began to call them jeans.

    Australian Government banned the word “mate” for a day

    It may be that slang or informal words sometimes make you nervous, especially when you think you need to take something seriously.

    In 2005, the Australian Parliament took public complaints somewhat seriously and prohibited all employees from using the word “comrade” at work. Fortunately, Prime Minister John Howard objected, stating that “companions” were an important part of Australian culture and that the ban was lifted within 24 hours.

    170-year-old bottles of champagne were found at the bottom of the Baltic Sea

    New scientists estimate that the 1800s sparkling bottle of champagne moved from Germany to Russia when it sank to the bottom of the sea. It turns out that the sea floor of 2-4 degrees Celsius is the best place for wine aging. Winemakers studying wine and winemaking say they taste champagne, describe it as “sometimes cheesy,” include “animal notes,” and include elements of “wet hair.” ..

    Being bitten by ticks can cause allergies to lean meat

    Many suffer from food allergies, but few are the result of insect bites. Some people with the strange tendency to grow and the Lone Star tick bites suddenly develop a red meat allergy.

    Beef, lamb, and pork (technically classified as red meat) can cause headaches, sneezing, runny nose, and nausea in people with this allergy. In severe cases, you may not be able to breathe. In some patients, the allergy disappears over time, while in others it is permanent.

    The MGM lion roar is trademarked

    At the beginning of the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer movie, there is an iconic lion that roars to the viewer. MGM has repeated the lion mascot several times, but the roar is always the same. The company registered the trademark “Sound Mark” with the US Patent and Trademark Office in the 1980s.

    Tornadoes can cause “fish rain.”

    Tornadoes happen both on water and on land. When they do this, they are called “jets of water,” and they suck in large amounts of lake and sea water and whatever floats in it.

    If the waterways come out onto land and the wind weakens, this fish has nowhere to go. As far as we know, no tornado can catch a shark, but a fish nose is quite possible.

    Neil Armstrong Hair Sold for $3,000 in 2004

    Lucky buyer, John Reznikov, is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest collection of hair from a historical celebrity, according to NBC.

    Marx Smore, a less fortunate hairdresser who cut Armstrong’s hair, threatened to sue Armstrong’s lawyer, who allegedly violated Ohio’s law protecting the rights of famous people.

    it was Mr Sizemore said he would not pay, and Mr Reznikov said he would not get his hair back, but would donate $ 3,000 to charity.

    Napoleon was once attacked by thousands of rabbits

    Napoleon Bonaparte, once one of Europe’s most powerful men, suffered a shameful defeat with the hand (or foot) of a rabbit. After the military victory, Napoleon’s chief of staff organized a rabbit hunt to commemorate the vacation.

    Thousands of rabbits were brought in to be released, but instead of jumping when the cage was open, they began to surround and attack the party guests. Attempts to drive them away failed, but Emperor Napoleon hurried to save the carriage.

    Irish bars used to be closed on St. Patrick’s Day

    You can think of St. Patrick’s Day in green, have a drink and actually see leprechauns. However, until 1961 in Ireland on March 17th there was a law prohibiting the operation of bars. Excessive drinking seemed a little immoral, as the vacation was during the rental period, a harsh Catholic country.

    Star Trek’s Scotty stormed the beach at Normandy.

    Canadian actor James Doohan was best known for playing Montgomery “Scotty” Scott in the original Star Trek and was part of the Canadian 3rd Infantry Division in World War II.

    As an aide, he led the squad to land mined Juneau Beach as part of the Allied invasion of D-Day. Later that day, he was injured in a friendly fire and had his right middle finger amputated.

    While working on Star Trek, the director did his best not to see the trauma on the screen, so he might not have noticed this.

    Pregnancy tests date back to 1350 BCE

    Egyptian women urinate on wheat and barley seeds to find out if they are pregnant, according to a National Institutes of Health History Department based on ancient papyrus documents.

    If the wheat grew, it predicted the birth of a female child. If the barley grew, it predicted a male child. If nothing has grown, the woman is not pregnant. Experiments with this seed theory in 1963 showed that it was 70% accurate.

    Sweat doesn’t actually stink

    If you sweat immediately after a shower, you will find that it doesn’t smell so bad. This is because your sweat doesn’t smell. The odor is caused by skin bacteria that break down sweat.

    Plus, sweat on hands and feet doesn’t smell as bad as armpits. This is because underarm sweat glands secrete a lot of proteins into a dark, humid environment. The best place for bacteria and food.

    The Wimbledon tennis ball is kept at 68 degrees Fahrenheit

    The temperature of a tennis ball affects the bounce of the ball. At high temperatures, the gas molecules inside the ball expand and the ball bounces higher. In a cold tennis ball, the molecules shrink and the ball bounces less. To use the finest tennis balls, Wimbledon uses over 50,000 tennis balls.

    The Pope can’t be an organ donor

    Pope Benedict XVI was distribute an organ donor card in 1970. According to Telegraph, the card was invalidated after he became a father in 2005. According to the Vatican, his entire body belongs to the Catholic Church worldwide, so the entire Pope’s body must be buried intact.

    Some planets produce diamond rain

    Saturn and Jupiter are gas giants that create truly unique weather. Scientists recently discovered that these atmospheres are high in carbon.

    When the carbon black hits the lightning, it solidifies into graphite, sinks down, and then, under the influence of atmospheric pressure, decreases, turning into diamond.

    Storms on these planets can literally shower a diamond with a diameter of a centimeter.

    The world’s oldest toy is a stick

    Consider the versatility of the stick. You can play with your dog, shake it like a bat, or use your imagination to turn it into a lightsaber.

    Its adaptability and antiquated sticks are one of the reasons the National Toy Hall of Fame has definitely included this stick in its collection as the oldest toy in history.

    Sharks can live for five centuries

    Greenland sharks are considered one of the oldest living creatures in our world. The researchers carbon-dated the 2014 Greenland shark and found it to be about 392 years old.

    Further experiments showed that our fish friends can be up to 500 years old. Yes, this means that our old man’s friend was alive when Leonardo da Vinci wrote Mona Lisa.

    There’s an entire town under a rock

    If you’ve ever been accused of living under a rock, you’ll be relaxing in Setenil de las Bodegas, Spain.

    Many of the 3,000 inhabitants of this small town live, work, and play in valleys beneath giant rocky rocks.

    A house is built in the rock. It provides so much coverage that historians believe that the area lived in human settlements from the Stone Age.

    You can sneeze faster than a cheetah

    A speed of 100 mph will allow you to sneeze faster than when a cheetah is running. Sneezing is 4.5x faster than Usain Bolt’s record and 20x faster than Michael Phelps. Unfortunately, when we sneeze, we also shed about 100,000 bacteria.

    Fire hydrant patent lost in fire

    The hydrant patent is owned by Frederick Graff Sr., who was the chief engineer of the Philadelphia Waterworks in the early 1800s.

    Unfortunately for Graff Sr., the patent was destroyed in 1836 when the Washington, D.C. Patent Office burned down.

    A hundred years later, retired firefighter George Sigelakis reinvented the fire hydrant after stopping work in many important situations.

    Saudi Arabia imports camels from Australia

    Since Saudi Arabia is known for its vast desert areas, it may seem incredible to rely on Australia to provide animals to control their landscape.

    Originally, camels were brought into Australia for the transport of heavy loads and for horse riding. When their work was done, they were freed, causing an unwanted increase in their population.

    The Australians then sold the camels back to desert countries like Saudi Arabia.

    One man once survived two atomic bombs

    Tsutomu Yamaguchi survived both a nuclear attack on Japan when the United States dropped the atomic bomb during World War II.

    Yamaguchi, who traveled to Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, saw America drop the first atomic bomb. Miraculously, he survived with burns on his face and hands, but went to Nagasaki. Three days later, the second atomic bomb exploded, destroying Yamaguchi’s house.

    Since his family could not find an ointment to treat his existing burns, they realized they were safe in the tunnel and miraculously survived.

    Pluto technically isn’t even a year old

    Pluto was on February 18, 1930. This is the farthest (dwarf) planet from the Sun, and it should go much further than we are used to on Earth.Pluto takes 248 years on Earth to complete one revolution around the sun. when it opened on Monday, March 23, 2178.

    Cows kill more Americans each year than sharks

    About 53 sharks are bitten a year, but only one is deadly. On the other hand, cows (or hoofs) kill about 20 people each year.

    Newborns don’t have kneecaps

    This belief is only half the truth, as the kneecap is technically challenging when a baby is born. Their knees are not yet rigid and remain cartilage throughout childhood until they eventually become bones.

    Cheetahs don’t roar

    A cheetah can’t growl, but instead can purr, meow, hiss, bark, growl. This kind of behavior is very similar to the behavior of domestic cats at home.

    Humans aren’t the only species to adopt

    I watched a touching video in which a dog breeds a squirrel. In fact, this is much more common than we think.

    Whether it’s hunting, gathering or just friendship, the furry friends of the group will benefit from taking on other survival roles.

    This phenomenon is not fully understood, but it is clear that both humans and animals have an instinct to care for others.

    The first Star Wars were expected to be on the flop

    Star Wars’ original budget in 1977 was $8 million, and 20th Century Fox distributors were reluctant to give director/writer George Lucas a deal, so they agreed to lower salaries to keep the budget.

    Did The movie earned $775 million worldwide and Disney purchased the entire franchise for $4 billion. By comparison, the Star Wars: The Last Jedi released in 2017 was reportedly budgeted at $317 million.

    Your liver can regrow itself in three weeks

    As it turned out, the Greeks were right about Prometheus. According to Greek mythology, the titans were punished by feeding the eagle with their liver every day. At night, the liver grew anew, leaving Prometheus at the mercy of the bird.

    The Danes once raised a pig to look like the flag

    In the early 20th century, the people who lived in North Frisia under Prussia’s rule could not raise the Danish flag. However, some cunning Northern Frisian people decided to breed a pig known as the Danish protest pig.

    It is red in color with a large white stripe around the belly, which created the animal version of the flag. The Danes succeeded in combating Prussia, as they were technically unlawful and it was impossible to ban pig breeding.

    Most people break up on Mondays

    In a Facebook search for public data, Lee Byron and David McCandless found that the relationship had deteriorated two weeks before Christmas, around Easter and Monday. This data can be misleading, but it shows a clear trend as it may not have real-time updates to share.

    Currently, there may be 2,000 active serial killer in the US

    Thomas Hargrove has archived murders for many years as part of his murder case project. Through his experience, he came up with an algorithm to detect recent unresolved patterns of murder associated with at least one other DNA murder.

    This allowed him to estimate the number of outstanding cases in the United States at any time. According to New Yorker, he estimates that there are approximately 2,000 active serial murderers in the United States.

    Stressed men have altered proclivities

    A 2012 study published in PLoS ONE found that stressed men prefer curved women. In this study, one experimental group performed stressful activities and the other control group did not.

    After that, I was shown photographs of women of different physiques. When men in the control group were asked to rate women on a scale of 1 to 9, they rated the pictures of women with higher BMIs as the most attractive.

    Crows holds grudges

    In 2010, Seattle researchers discovered that a previously captured crow may remember the capturer’s face for years after the incident.

    Once they identified the suspect, they threatened him and went down and surrounded those who had been threatened for years.

    New York restaurant hires grandma as chef

    It is true that everyone thinks the Italian grandma and Nonna cook well. When Joe Scalavera decided to gather as many nonnas as possible to work at his restaurant on Staten Island, it was a brilliant idea. Enoteca Maria combines these fun and talented grandma skills to create and cook recipes from her family’s cookbooks.

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