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How To Make Chili Less Spicy

    It’s a simple error to make: You’ve made a huge pot of Chili, and you’re all set to sit in your chair and watch it cook to that perfect low-and-low temperature simmering in the oven. However, you get an opportunity to taste it and realize that it’s shockingly spicy and way too spicy for your family or friends who aren’t aware. What can you do? There are a variety of options to reduce the heat of Chili while still keeping it delicious.

    Here are the best methods to salvage Chili after you’ve added excessive chili powder. Some of these strategies are also applicable to other food items that are spicy.

    Dairy Products

    Capsaicin is the chemical component found in chili peppers that causes an unpleasant burning sensation whenever you consume the peppers. One of the most effective ways to combat capsaicin is to include dairy. Dairy is a source of casein, which is a binder for capsaicin, as well as neutralizing it.

    The most popular sources of dairy used in Chili generally are in the form of toppings. Consider adding the addition of sour cream, Greek yogurt, creme fraiche, or cheese to lower the spice levels.

    Include two or more potatoes.

    Another great way to cut down on the spice level can be to include a few russet potatoes peeled and sweet potatoes into the Chili. They will absorb liquid and some spices when they cook. Since they absorb lots of liquid and release starch during cooking, it is possible that you will require adding more liquid to the Chili.

    Take the potatoes out of the Chili prior to serving, but don’t toss them in the garbage. Mash them using cream and butter to make delicious chili potato mash.


    Sugar can also help neutralize the heat produced by capsaicin. It’s good news that you don’t have to add a lot of sugar to reduce the amount of heat. You can try adding a bit of sugar honey, brown sugar, and tomato sauce (which is rich in sugar) to help balance the overly hot Chili. It is also possible to add some caramelized onions that will provide natural sweetness and an additional level of flavor.

    Add Additional Ingredients

    Another easy solution is to add beans, tomatoes, and chopped bell peppers to your Chili. The addition of more volume to the Chili will help reduce the heat. This is a great method of reducing the heat of Chili.

    Combine Chili with an ingredient like starch.

    The neutral taste of starchy foods helps to balance out the Chili’s spicy. One of my favorite methods of serving a pot of Chili is to serve it over a pasta dish that has been cooked. You can also serve the spicy Chili with cheese and macaroni, which has the added benefit of adding dairy products as well.

    Potatoes are also a wonderful addition to Chili, which is spicy. Pour Chili over baked russet potatoes.

    Add Fat

    Incorporating fats into your Chili can reduce the spice. One of my top ingredients with high-fat content for Chili is avocados. Mash it up and stir the Chili with it or cut it into pieces and use it to garnish individual bowls of Chili.

    If you’re not planning to add anything else to the Chili, serve it with peanut butter sandwiches. The starch of the bread and the Fat of the peanut butter will ease your mouth after a few bites.

    Add Acid

    Acidic substances are fantastic for cutting through the excess spice. Capsaicin, for example, is alkaline. This means it has a very high pH. When you add Acid that is lower in pH, the two components will neutralize one another in a way.

    A small amount of Acid can go quite a way. For optimal results, gradually introduce the Acid in small amounts and taste it as you proceed.

    The obvious acidic ingredient to Chili would be the addition of tomato or paste.

    Other options are:

    • Citrus Juice is similar to Lime Juice or Lemon Juice
    • Vinegar (red, white, red, and apple cider)
    • Wine
    • Tomato Juice

    Next time

    Avoid this situation to avoid it in the near future. Add just a small amount of heat at a time and taste while you proceed. Be aware that the liquids that are present in slow-simmering meals like curry or Chili will disappear as they cook, and the flavor becomes more intense. Consider heat to be salt, and add it slowly and then taste and adjustment toward the conclusion of your cooking.

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