We believe that the most effective method to ensure clear, clean water is to include several plants in the pond in addition to the proper filtering. Certain plants are better than others at removing contaminants from the water. They are referred to as ‘ Clear Water Plants’
Although a successful biological filter helps maintain drinking water, breaking the harmful ammonia in plant decay and waste from fish into nitrite and later nitrate will not eliminate the nitrate from the water. You can even consider a biological filter as a “nitrate manufacturing facility. Nitrates may not be as harmful as nitrites or ammonia; however, when they are in excess, they can be detrimental to the health of fish. Additionally, high levels of nitrates are among the primary causes of the excessive growth of algae that can result in the dark green color of pea soup water or the strings of blanketweed or string algae that grow on the rocks and waterfalls of the ponds. What can you do to effectively and safely eliminate nitrates from your pond?
Plants are highly beneficial. They not only provide texture and aesthetics for the fish ponds, but they can also provide the same nutrients as algae. They take phosphates and nitrates from the water, leaving lesions for algae to eat. Any aquatic plant added to your pond will improve the clarity and quality of your water. However, some plants are more efficient in removing minerals from the water.
Are there top plants to remove impure water from your pond?
Here is a list of clean water plants:
Water Iris-Water Iris is considered one of the most effective aquatic plants that eliminate toxins from the water in your pond or your water garden. Iris provides a splash of color to your pond in the early spring when other plants aren’t yet flowering.
Taro–Taro roots boast a huge surface area that helps to soak in minerals from water. Taro comes in a variety to provide a beautiful display of leaves and the WOW factor to your pond.
Canna-Canna is available in various varieties, provides appeal, color, and beauty, and helps eliminate heavy metals, nutrients, and toxins from the lake’s waters.
Pickerel Rush-Pickerel Rush is a must-have in the world of water gardens. Pickerel Rush is a tall, stately plant with striking foliage and flowers of bottle brush in blue, pink, and white. Pickerel Rush will help in the purification and cleaning of your pond’s water in the bio-filter or water gardens.
Water Celery–Water Celery can be described as a gorgeous marginal pond plant with soft green, cream, and a delicate pink color. It is capable of removing the toxins and nutrients within your water pond.
The Water Hyacinths--Water Hyacinths can be described as a floating plants with dense bulbs, emerald-green leaves, and gorgeous lavender flowers. The water hyacinths perform incredible work in removing pollutants, impurities, sediment, and other nutrients from the water.
Water Lettuce–Water Lettuce is yet another floating plant to help cleanse your pond water. Rosettes of green float effortlessly over the top of your water, adding visual interest and texture while simultaneously taking out impurities from the water.
Will My Climate and Location Affect Plants?
There is a chance that various species will be better for your pond based on the climate zone you live in and the time of year. It is recommended to plant a mixture of both warm and cool season plants to ensure you can get rid of algae from pond plants all year long.
Plants rapidly grow in the spring months for cool weather and later in the summer for plants with a warm season. The algae blooms typically occur in the spring, before plants bloom, and in the late summer when the plants come to lay down. Planning and incorporating the plants through these seasonal changes can greatly improve the chances of staying clear of harmful algae.
Cool Season Water Plants
The cool season plants begin to grow in winter, so they are active in springtime to battle the early Spring algae blooms. Some rest throughout autumn and summer before coming up in the next winter’s end.
Warm Season Water Plants
Warm season plants begin growing in late spring, so they’re active all summer to fight the algae blooms that occur in late summer. They are resting during cooler months between late fall and the end of spring.
It would help if you considered variations in temperature and seasons in the construction and maintenance of your pond. In particular, the northern regions require a pond depth of between 24 and 36 inches so that the pond doesn’t freeze in winter. For warmer and tropical regions, it’s important to add depth because of high temperatures.
For instance, Giant Sensitive Plants, Mermaid Plants, and Water Wisteria will do very well in Southern tropical climates. In contrast, Forget-Me-Nots and Water Hawthorns will do well in the north as cool-season plants.
Keeping Your Pond Water Clean
However, it is essential to utilize an artificial filter to clear the pond’s water, after which you can put in three of the plants. A few owners opt to take the additional option of hiring an expert to review their pond to determine whether it’s prepared to allow the planting of new plants. Another important tip for maintaining the clarity of your pond’s water is to put filters along the shorelines. This will reduce or even slow down the runoff that results from rain. These three plants aren’t just appreciated for their capacity to ensure that water is clean and clear but also for the fact that they supply the fish with the food they can consume since certain invertebrates will be drawn to the aquatic species.