ARK Survival Evolved is an action-adventure survival game created by Studio Wildcard, collaborating with Instinct Games, Efecto Studios, and Virtual Basement. The game’s players are trapped with various prehistoric animals, and they have to survive playing online!
However, the game isn’t able to play for certain players because server servers on official websites appear not visible. If players utilize the in-game server browser, it displays an empty list while the Steam server browser shows an “Unable to query server info for invite” message. We’ve gathered a variety of working solutions for the different causes of this error, and we believe it will be helpful to players all over the world.
What can I do to fix the Ark Network failure message?
Check your game’s files.
Start Steam.
Go to Library and then choose Home.
Find the game ARK: Survival Evolved in your game library. Right-click on it, and then click Properties.
Click on Local Files and click Verify the authenticity on Game Files.
Watch for Steam to check your files. Then wait for Steam to upload the required ones.
This is an easy fix that could help fix ARK the network’s failure message: Unable query the server for information about invites and invites, so make sure to test this.
Switch Steam launch options
Start Steam.
Go to Library Select Home, and locate your game.
Right-click it, and choose Properties.
Select the Launch Options you want to set.
Determine the address for your server’s IP.
Connect the Type within the box, and then click OK.
This is a simple solution to ARK Inability to query server details for invites that aren’t dedicated, so make sure to try it.
Use netsh’s Winsock reset command.
Click on the Windows Search Bar and type into Run.
Then, could you open it and enter cmd into the box?
Enter Ctrl+Shift+Enter to open it with administrator rights.
The cmd windows, enter in the following command and then press Enter:
Launch ARK: Survival Evolution and verify for errors if the error persists.
Sometimes, resetting specific network components can resolve ARK Inability to access the server for information about invites following an update error.
Bottom line
If you bought it from Steam, it is necessary to download it once more on Steam by searching for it in the Library and clicking the Install button after clicking on it. Examine if the “Unable to query server info for the invite” error is displayed when you search for servers of official games.
TIP If none of the solutions has solved the issue for you, we suggest employing the Restoro Repair Tool, which can search the repositories to replace the corrupted and deleted files. It works in most situations where the issue originates from a corrupted system, and Restoro can help optimize the system to ensure the best performance.