The Lower back pain can be due to the position you sleep in. Making changes to your sleep position to ensure that your spine stays straight can aid. Also, using the correct mattress and pillows could also ease the discomfort.
Do you suffer from lower back discomfort? It’s not a problem that’s unique to you.
A Global Burden of Disease study identified lower back pain as the most common factor behind disability throughout the world.
The most interesting thing is that the majority of back pain doesn’t result from serious medical ailments, for example, arthritis or cancer. In reality, back pain is caused by stress or strain caused by poor position, uncomfortable sleeping positions, as well as other habits of daily living.
Here are the most effective sleep positions you can try in case you are suffering from back problems, and some additional ways for a better night’s sleeping.
Five Tips for Sleeping With lower back pain
Change your position when you sleep.
The two best sleeping positions for your lower backrest in the back and on the Side. We’ll take a deeper look at these two postures and identify some of the most common mistakes.
1st Position: Sleeping on your back
When you sleep on your back, it is the most comfortable sleeping position as it allows you to distribute your weight evenly throughout your body while maintaining the correct alignment of shoulders, head, and hips.
Heads: Make use of the smaller cushion to ensure that your head does not protrude outwards, which could contribute to the forward posture of your neck.
Lower upper body: Put a pillow beneath your knees, in order to prevent your lower back from hyperextension that could cause an anterior pelvic tilt.
Errors (Sleeping in the rear):
Pillow Too Big/Thick

If your mattress is too large, it could place your neck at an awkward angle which can cause a reversal of your posture of your body. It can cause neck problems and can also cause bad posture.
Pillow too thin/small

If your mattress is thick, it can place your neck into an extension and alter the posture of your physique. In time, this could lead to problems with posture and neck.
Do not sleep on your stomach!

Avoid lying on your stomach as it puts extra strain on the neck muscles in addition to putting your spine into hyperlordosis (aka an overly arched). If you are unable to avoid this posture, you should use a thin cushion or avoid altogether using a pillow.
Don’t sleep in a slumbering position.
Check that your back isn’t arched too much or flat during the night. It is important to stay aware of your spine’s neutral position. If you find yourself going off from neutral, change your position!
Enjoy a relaxing bath or a warm massage before going to sleep.
There’s a great deal of studies that show that psychological health may contribute to lower back discomfort. So, taking a bath or doing a meditative/breath exercise prior to sleeping could be helpful. This will aid in calming the nervous system, and also aid in preparing your mind for sleep.
Do some light stretching before bed.

In order to lessen some stiffness, you might want to stretch lightly prior to your bedtime. This Cat & Cow stretch is one of the most effective stretch exercises you can practice to ease tension in your muscles, in addition to re-energizing the pelvis and spine. Check for more low back stretching on this page.
Certain Tips and Placements to Sleep with Lower Back Injuries
An adequate night’s rest is crucial for every person. If you’re experiencing lower back pain before you get to bed, it might be difficult to rest and get the sleep your body requires. These are a few additional tips to ensure you get a good night’s sleep even if you’re suffering from lower back pain.
You can try sleeping on your right Side instead of the Left
The right side of the bed can be beneficial to those experiencing sciatica pain that is resulted from inflammation of the sciatic nerve. This can be caused by compression in the lower back when asleep.
Make use of a Tennis Ball.
If you’re shifting and tossing around while sleeping, consider using an old sock or shirt that is filled with tennis balls to aid you in maintaining a steady posture.
Make use of towels that are rolled.
Use rolled towels or smaller pillows on the areas that feel the greatest strain while sleeping on your back. The more support your back and neck receive at night, the less discomfort you’ll feel when you wake up.
Check Your Mattress
If you have a lower back, a sagging mattress can only make the problem even more painful. If you’re looking to upgrade your current mattress, check out what’s on the market and see whether there are any exclusive sales or offers available prior to buying. If you suffer from lower back pain, sleeping may be difficult; however, with proper positioning and the right pillows, the situation doesn’t have to be difficult! Greater Maryland Pain Management is ready to aid you in finding low back pain relief with efficient pain relief tools. Contact us today for more information on what you can gain from our back health techniques and strategies.