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Guide to Enjoying a Healthy Elderly Lifestyle

    Healthy aging is possible as long as you take the necessary precautions early on. Old age is not necessarily synonymous with illness and discomfort. Some degree of health decline is unavoidable, but it doesn’t have to be severe.

    Many seniors today lead active and rewarding lives. However, to achieve that, you will need to develop healthy habits and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

    In the article below, we offer a few tips to help you develop healthy habits and enjoy a healthy elderly lifestyle.

    Get Proper Rest

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    As we get older, sleep changes. Suddenly, we sleep more lightly and tend to wake up more easily. It may feel like you are sleeping worse, but this is completely normal. The body does not need many hours of sleep.

    However, if you have trouble sleeping, there are several things you can try to help you sleep better. A consistent schedule of eating, sleeping, and physical activity can prevent sleep difficulties.

    Sleep problems are often related to stress. If this is the case, it is important to try to reduce the stressful situations in your life. It can also be good to practice some exercises to relax your body. One way is for you to start moving more. Another is to do relaxation exercises. Practicing mindfulness, and conscious presence is another way to reduce stress.

    Last but not least, when growing older, an important tip is to invest in a proper bed and mattress. Having a comfortable mattress is essential for everyone’s quality of life, regardless of their physical condition. But for the elderly and people with limited mobility, the comfort of the bed is even more important. That’s why you should consider purchasing double-sided & hand-tufted mattresses that are comfortable, supportive, and healthy to ensure a good night’s sleep.

    Schedule Regular Check-Ups

    Today, numerous studies show that health checks reduce the risk of disease and premature death. Visiting your doctor regularly allows you to get control over your health and be able to improve it. There are a number of conditions that can be discovered and put under control when going to the doctor’s office. The most common are cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure, high blood fat, type 2 diabetes, iron deficiency, and so on. Yes, the list can be made very long.

    Other screenings such as having a simple hearing test are also important. Hearing loss is a fairly frequent occurrence among the elderly. Every other person over the age of 75 has a noticeable hearing loss. But even among those in the 65-74 age group, one in three has a hearing loss that affects their ability to keep up with conversations and take part in what is said on the radio and television or when several people talk at the same time.

    It is important to be able to communicate with others at all stages of life, even when we get older and have difficulty hearing. Just because hearing loss is part of natural aging doesn’t mean you should ignore it. Getting help with your hearing problems in old age reduces the risk of depression, dementia, and other illnesses.

    Physical Activity

    Physical activity can improve fitness, strength, balance, and mobility when aging. Physical activity can also influence psychological factors and quality of life and prevent dementia.

    Exercising and working up a sweat several times a week can slow the aging process. It’s never too late to start exercising and moving. Everyday life contains many opportunities for exercise, for example taking a walk or hanging laundry.

    Healthcare experts recommend seniors walk 7,000 -10,000 steps a day. There are some step-counting apps that can help you measure this. Movement keeps muscles in shape and regulates body weight. Ideally, these routines should start at an earlier age and you should maintain them throughout your life.

    Drink Plenty of Water

    Drinking water and staying hydrated are important at any stage of life, but even more so when you are growing older. So, it is good to try to drink at least 8 cups of water each day, even when you don’t feel thirsty. Dehydration can make you feel generally unwell, but can also cause dizziness, increasing the risk of falling. If you move a lot, or if it’s hot, you need to drink water even more.

    Maintain Healthy Diet

    Image: Unsplash

    Protein is needed to maintain strong muscles, for the immune system, wound healing, and energy. The elderly need a little more protein than younger people. If you eat a varied diet and don’t have any problems with your appetite, you probably get enough protein without having to change your diet. However, if your appetite decreases, it is good if every meal contains protein, even snacks. Protein is found in eggs, poultry, fish, beans, nuts, milk, yogurt, cheese, quark, meat, or plant-based equivalents.

    If you can’t bear to eat the same large portions anymore, it’s good to instead eat many small, nutritious meals spread out throughout the day.

    Final Thoughts

    Taking a proactive approach when growing older can strengthen your immune system and help you enjoy your life. By following the tips above, you can keep yourself healthy and happy for longer.

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