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21 Easy Healthy Vegan Sushi Recipes

    Vegan Sushi is always a fun and adventurous meal, it can stimulate people’s interest. However, raw fish is not attractive to many people, and vegans cannot eat it at all. But there is no reason why those people cannot be prevented from participating in entertainment activities. With these vegan sushi recipes, anyone can enjoy vegan sushi without sashimi.

    One of the most difficult obstacles to clearing sushi when changing from a carnivore to a vegetarian. Who eats healthy meals that don’t like delicious sushi nights? However, in restaurants, vegan options are usually limited to California rolls. that’s it. Fortunately, health food bloggers have mastered how to make their own rolls without using animal food.

    From adding cream to sunflower miso to primer treatment of celery root rice grains, all the recipes on this list are innovative, delicious and important ingredients. You will not fall into a coma in the future.

    Avocado & Mango Brown Rice Sushi

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    Learn how to make sushi with this simple sushi recipe! Healthy and delicious sushi rolls with plenty of mangoes, avocado, and cucumber. Mango is my favorite fruit, it is good in both delicious and sweet food. These avocado and mango brown rice sushi combined with avocado are the best recipes for vegan sushi.

    We like it very much because it is right next to the street, so we rarely make it at home. But when you are looking for something new together on Friday night, this homemade sushi recipe is a fun kitchen project to make with your loved ones. Moreover, making this kind of rolled sushi is much cheaper than ordering sushi in a restaurant.

    First of all don’t be afraid! All you need for “sushi date night” are bamboo seats and a positive attitude. Even if your fingers are blocked by rice or sushi rolls, it doesn’t work, you still need to feel like you can laugh at each other, even if it is delicious.

    Veggie Summer Rolls with Spicy Peanut Lime Sauce Two Ways

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    If you find the idea of ​​rolling all the vegetables into scary rice paper, start with the following recipe: Oh, her sparkling Angelaridon can choose to use lettuce rolls. .. Her roll has tofu and protein, the vegetables are crispy, and the peanut lime sauce has a little spice. If you don’t like the rice wrapper, there is also a lettuce wrapper option. Lettuce wrap is also suitable if you don’t need rice wrap.

    Veggie Brown Rice Sushi

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    Veggie Brown Rice Sushi, a minimalist bakery, has the specialized skills to stick rice together. It’s rice vinegar. In fact, she added a little sugar and salt to enhance the flavor. This is also the secret to making vegetables more delicious. There are delicious sushi restaurants within walking distance, but sometimes you can’t make your own. Simple 10-ingredient sushi made with brown rice and vegetables. It’s hearty, healthy, and delicious. How to serve with or without a sushi mat!

    Of course, this will take longer. However, it is very cheap to make at home. In addition, you can customize the filling to create the ideal vegetable roll. Sushi is a common dish not only in Japan but also in Japanese cuisine around the world. However, it is actually thought to date back to the 2nd century BC and is derived from the Chinese cuisine Nare Zushi. After that, it is thought that it spread to Japan in the 8th century. By the 18th century, sushi restaurants were very popular in Japan.

    Sweet Potato Tempura and Avocado Rolls with Teriyaki Glaze

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    Sweet potatoes, creamy avocado and rolled sushi with seasoned sushi rice can be done by brushing homemade teriyaki sauce. I always keep this homemade glaze and Kochujan glaze in the refrigerator. It has a wide range of uses and a short production time, but requires less maintenance and can be used for various tableware.

    Avocado is a common theme in these vegan bread because it blends perfectly with sushi. For sweet potato lovers, this sweet potato tempura and avocado sushi is a dream come true.

    Vegan Spicy “Tuna” Sushi

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    These spicy “tuna” rolls may not have tuna, but of course they do. Sunflower seeds can replace fish, but soy sauce has a stimulating effect, you will not miss fish. Wow! My non-vegetarian friends also like it. Next time, there will be no burritos (the taste will be a bit unpleasant if it is not heated), I think it is best to add 1 tablespoon of nutritional yeast to the sauce. Use soy paper instead of seaweed.

    They are green or white, I like green. If you have rolled sushi, cover the sushi with Saran wrappers so that the rice does not stick to the rolled sushi. They cook at the sushi bar and then roll up the bread tightly.

    Veggie Sushi With Sunflower Miso Paste

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    Vegan sushi with crispy vegetables, creamy avocado, and plenty of rich sunflower sauce. Spring or summer gluten-free meals. Use the recipe of Jeanine Donofrio from Love and Lemon Blog to cook rice paste and turn it into a sunflower flavor to make bread low carbs. Myo sauce is made from sunflower seeds, lemon juice, garlic, myo, ginger, brown rice syrup, and toasted sesame oil, so it’s easy to see that this dish has a lot of fun in your taste buds.

    Seeing sushi at home can seem daunting, but once you get the hang of it, it’s not that difficult. I am neither Jiro nor anyone else. It requires a little more stable hands and some concentration (drinking a lot makes it harder and harder) … but to be honest, it looks a little sloppy, but it still tastes good. Don’t be strict with yourself. Inspired by the seaweed rolls I’ve eaten at various raw food stores, I started making delicious sunflower paste instead of rice. Above all, I used raw shaved beats to bring the colors to life.

    Golden Avocado Sushi Roll

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    My golden avocado sushi rolls are very easy to make and have good flavor and health benefits. I especially infused brown rice with turmeric (I like the crispy golden color!) The main ingredients are crispy yellow pepper and buttery avocado. Tips of sweet, willow powder soy sauce, ginger and citrus fruits!

    I’m making sushi today, so let’s buy seaweed at the store and start steaming brown rice! Healthy and Happy Life blogger Kathy Patalski’s recipe includes turmeric and avocado. Is this a more fashionable and nutritious roll? It is important to actually put turmeric in the rice to give the sushi a beautiful golden luster and enhance its anti-inflammatory effect.

    *Which seaweed is best for rolls? You can find different brands, but the basic seaweed packaging is what you want. I use the Eden brand. Whole Foods has multiple brands, but you can also buy them online. *Is this recipe a traditional sushi making? number! My sushi is delicious, it’s okay for me. too easy! After the rice was cooked,

    I made these rolls in 10 minutes, including preparing all the vegetables. Rice is an important part of sushi because it is the binder that firmly wraps vegetables and sardines. Traditional sushi rice is made with short white “sushi rice” supplemented with rice vinegar, sweetener and salt hints.

    Vegan Dynamite Rolls

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    Dynamite rolls are about dynamite sauce, and of course these sushi rolls can be cashed. These sushi rolls use the bombs of the King of Oysters, vegan mayonnaise and Sriracha. I cooked rice twice on the stove. From the second time onward,

    I bought a rice cooker and enjoyed the process of not breaking babysitters and rice. US $ 50! A rice cooker is especially suitable for making sushi rice as it can cook rice very evenly for people like me who suffer from rice and can help lazy people turn into rice. (Pour rice into a pot, add water to cook rice, press a button, wait, rest, fluff), or maintain a discreet sushi-making process and avoid the hassle please.

    Teriyaki Veggie Crunch Roll

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    There are more vegetarian sushi than cucumber rolls! This dish is a classic vegetarian roll, seasoned with homemade teriyaki sauce and creative. The vegetables in the teriyaki sauce are unmatched. This Teruyaki vegetarian crunch roll takes it to a whole new level. Please try interesting and crispy dishes.

    Bake the Japanese Yamanoimo at 375°F for 45 minutes or until tender. After cooling, peel it, dice it, and put it in a bowl.
    Put 2 cups of water and rice in a medium pot and cook according to the instructions. After cooking, transfer the rice to a large bowl. In a wooden paddle, mix the vinegar, sugar, and sea salt into the rice until the rice becomes sticky, then stir vigorously. Let it cool. save.

    For teriyaki sauce: add soy sauce, sugar, vinegar, ginger, garlic powder, pineapple juice, and grapefruit to a small pot over medium heat. brush. Boil for about 3 minutes, add kuzukon slurry and mix with a whisk. Cook for another 30 seconds.

    To roll sushi, place a piece of grilled seaweed (with the smooth side down) on the roller. Spread the cooked rice evenly on the seaweed with wet hands, leaving ½ inch on top of the seaweed. Sprinkle a lot of crispy rice. Place the sushi on the wrapped sushi roller and turn it over.
    Place a small amount of yam, avocado, carrot, and cucumber horizontally about 1 inch from the bottom of the seaweed.

    Rotate the sushi roll so that the filling vertically surrounds your body, and slowly move the side of the sushi roll while moving the small shake to align the filling. Use a roller to push the filling in until it closes completely, exposing the top 3 inches of seaweed and rice. Enclose the roll completely and squeeze gently. Use the roller to slowly shake the sushi until the sushi is round. A light press can seal and roll up the sushi. Slide it onto a clean surface and cut into 1-inch thick slices with a wet serrated knife. When serving, sprinkle with teriyaki sauce. Please add ginger.

    Fresh Fruit Sushi Dessert

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    Learn how to make fresh fruit sushi and friushi with cute fruits and coconut rice. This is a great flavorful, gluten-free vegan dessert recipe. Sushi is traditionally made from vegetables & fish, but fruit sushi is just as delicious. There are many ways to make sushi with fruits, so please give it a try. Bigger Bolder baking includes not only rich ingredients such as chocolate and cream, but also my baking style that can be applied to any ingredient, including fruits. Learn how to make a variety of delicious fresh fruit maki sushi. Let’s start baking!

    Vegan California Sushi Roll

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    California rolls aren’t usually vegan, but you can make them at home! Who needs to buy expensive vegetarian sushi rolls at the store when they can make their own sushi at home? California rolls are probably the best-known sushi roll in North America. In the 1970s, a Japanese chef in California designed the seaweed used in the roll to be hidden inside, rather than placing the rice on the outside of the roll. Therefore, if you are not accustomed to eating or enjoying seaweed, reduce the threat and make it easier to digest.

    California vegetarian sushi rolls are Uramaki style, meaning whether they are rolled inside or outside. What’s appealing is that you can also add a lot of avocados (such as dragon rolls), sesame seeds (common in California rolls), or fish (rainbow rolls). Wrap the sushi mat in plastic wrap / saran paper. This is because the sushi rice is very sticky and ruins the bamboo mat, but because it easily falls off the plastic wrap. Basically, you wrap it like a gift wrapper and stuff it all sides, and the wrapper should be close to itself.

    Many people don’t like California rolls from sashimi, but crab sticks are usually not crabs, but a mixture of other fish. Instead, use a completely vegan California roll to solve this problem.


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    Califlower is not the only vegetable that can be used in rice. With pine nuts, dill and Dijon, I have never tried this roll. When I flipped through Salma’s wonderful work, this little snack came to me. There is a version with h in the rice part, which sounds fresh and good.

    Celery root is everywhere, I like the sweet, fresh and creamy celery flavor. In the case of seaweed rolling in autumn, I thought it would surprise all the rice with carrots, dill and Dijon. The combination is delicious-crispy and delicious, with a little seaweed and mustard hot. This year, my father planted an incredible carrot in his garden. Very sweet and delicious. Despite the low night temperature, dill is full of energy and lush. Fortunately, all this grows with us. Nature, seriously!

    Chocolate Crepes from The Make Ahead Vegan

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    Sushi can be used not only for dinner, but also for dessert. With these vegan chocolate pancakes, you can eat delicious chocolate banana dessert sushi after regular vegan sushi. If only these chocolate crepes (the best vegan crepes I have ever eaten) drool, you will love what I want to show you. During the pomegranate season (October to February), I eat non-stop. It is appropriate to add them to these crepes. That is, you can add fresh fruit, jam or chocolate sauce (vegan Nutera? Yes, please!). Twist a small pot and wrist to make a chocolate pancake. You can roll them all up and eat a light meal, or put your favorite jam on top and enjoy a waste treatment.

    Homemade Vegan Sushi

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    It looked a little scary at first, but I don’t know until I try it! First, buy a sushi starter kit from your local grocery store or an Asian grocery store. This includes bamboo rolling mats and rice balls. I cost about $ 16.00.

    I’ve only made sushi a few times, but every time I make it better. This is a delicious and interesting way to wrap vegetables and an excuse for eating mustard. Lee Tilghman (also known as Lee in the United States, Lee) makes sushi in a laid-back style. She rolls up and has dinner using only the vegetables and spices she has in her hand! She likes to eat tofu marinated in soy sauce and sesame oil. It gives people a fishy scent rather than becoming a fish.

    Forbidden Rice Sushi Rolls

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    This “sushi roll” is one of my favorite dishes for dinner. It’s delicious and it’s fun to go to the kitchen to make sushi! If you are promoting a plant-based diet, this is really a great meal. It has all the elements of traditional sushi rolls, but has been remade to add delicious sweet potatoes, eggplants, avocados and forbidden rice. By roasting sweet potatoes, warmth, richness and subtle sweetness are added to the rolls.

    Roasted vegetables are my favorite method to use with any dish, because the outer caramel is crispy and the center is moist and completely soft! Sushi rolls without fish seem unattractive. This is why I like to add a lot of roasted vegetables to the mix. Especially when roasted, vegetables can be used as a delicious and plump substitute. Creamy avocado is as delicious as sweet potatoes and black rice. This is a truly beautiful combination of taste and color!

    Marie Reginato, the creativity behind 8th and Lake, said these vegan rolls are one of her favorite homemade dinners. Inside the package: sweet potato, eggplant, avocado, carrot, cucumber and banned rice. The avocado adds a creamy texture, and the eggplant acts as the “meat” of the dish. The result is satisfaction, satiety and nutrition.

    Veggie “Sushi” Rolls

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    These vegetarian sushi rolls give love to your body. This recipe is perfect if you need nutrition, stuffing, good food or light meals. It is full of nutrients, antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, minerals, healthy fats and proteins. Avocado is used based on white rice to balance the creamy texture and crispy vegetable sticks of sushi rolls.

    McKel Hill, a member of the Well + Good Council and founder of Nutrition Stripped, likes to sprinkle her sushi dinner with nutritional yeast, a popular vegetarian dish. She added it to her “secret source”. This includes Dijon mustard, tamari, lemon juice and coriander. It adds a layer of cream for each bite.

    Rainbow Unicorn Sweet Potato Sushi

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    Health can still be incredibly beautiful, and this rainbow sushi proves it. Take a picture of Insta and enjoy this colorful and happy hour. If you really want amazing sushi, please try this rainbow sushi. The bright rice of this sushi is a welcome candy, it is naturally colored with turmeric, beet powder, spirulina and purple cabbage. Each roll is filled with baked potatoes and crispy colored peppers, but the ingredients of your choice can be changed at any time.

    Brown Rice Veggie Roll

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    This brown rice vegetable roll is very basic, but it’s a very delicious recipe. We replaced typical white rice with brown rice, replaced it with slightly healthier rice, and used fresh vegetables as stuffing. My version is very good because such recipes are very customizable, but feel free to switch ingredients to existing foods. 😉

    Crispy + Spicy Enoki Mushroom Roll

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    Enoki mushroom is a very delicate mushroom. After being steamed or grilled, it has a juicy texture and a buttery aroma. If you are lucky enough to visit them anywhere, they are almost always super cheap. The 7-ounce pack I buy is usually about 50 cents! I usually put some thinly fried enoki in the soup, but I decided to add butter and then put it in the rolled sushi with Shiracha mayonnaise and Shiso leaves to make it look neat. If you can’t find Shiso leaves, you can also use roughly torn green leaves, such as kale and kale.

    Quinoa Spring Sushi + DIY Quick-Pickled Ginger

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    When ordering sushi at a restaurant, it’s most often on the side with pickled ginger stuffed on the side of the plate. It is useful not only for decoration but also intuitively. Sarah Britton of My New Roots contains recipes for making at home and her quinoa sushi. Everything included is good for you.

    Anyone who has tasted delicious sushi rice will say that this is not only the roll itself, but also the details that accompany it. Traditionally, sushi is served with three seasonings: soy sauce, ginger pickles, and wasabi. These delicious and necessary accessories look harmless enough, but often hide annoying ingredients.

    The ginger that accompanies sushi is called gari, which means a palette cleaner between rolls. Ginger turns pink when placed in an acidic liquid (vinegar). Unfortunately, most commercial ginger is artificially dyed and contains refined sweeteners.

    First, you need to make tezu (vinegar and pickled liquid). Conveniently, this is the same seasoning used for quinoa, so in practice, the following amounts are sufficient to pickle ginger and rolls. If you only make pickled ginger, use half the amount.

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