This may seem impossible, but almost all kinds of recipes can use oil instead of butter. Believe me, I tested them all-sauces, spreads, cakes, pie crust, and yes, even cookies.
When the use of dairy products was strictly banned, grocery stores had no alternative butter for dairy products. There is no butter we know today, and every margarine brand in our town contains some form of dairy product. But I am determined to bake cookies. I had to test dozens of batches before finally making the perfect chocolate chip cookie with oil. Even with all the vegan butter, it’s my favorite cookie and my friends have asked me to join the party many times. Everyone loves them. Today I will share with you the secrets of my oil.
Can I Substitute Oil for Butter?
Have you used up all the ingredients in the recipe? Especially when most of the ingredients have been measured and confused and cannot be returned in time. Happened to me the other day! When I bake cookies for the elderly during the holidays, I noticed that I forgot to buy butter in the recipe. Fortunately, in my case, a friend grabbed something, which prompted me to explore different types of recipes that can replace butter. In short, according to the recipe, it can usually replace three-quarters of the butter required by the recipe. If you want to learn more about the best way to replace butter with oil in recipes, read on those recipes that require and do not use oil instead of butter, and oils for specific health purposes to find out why it is best.
Does It Matter If You Substitute Oil for Butter in a Cake Recipe? We Have the Answer
That is our best. While baking the cake, I suddenly found that I was missing important ingredients. Don’t worry there are many baking and cooking options, and you have to use something in your pantry. The lack of butter in baking recipes seems like the end of the world, but depending on the food you are baking, vegetable oil can quickly and easily replace the ingredients.
Remember that the texture and taste of baked goods are different. Butter has many flavors. Oil has a neutral taste. Compared with butter, oil makes cakes and brownies moist. If you use oil instead of butter in your baking recipe, it is not a 1:1 substitute. Use 3/4 of the oil in the amount of butter specified in the recipe. For example, if your recipe calls for 1 cup of butter, use 3/4 cup of oil instead. Substitutes can be used in recipes for cakes, brownies, muffins and cookies, but the results may vary from recipe to recipe.
How to Substitute Oil for Butter in Almost Any Recipe?
This oil works so well that I haven’t bought dairy-free butter for many years. Seriously, sometimes, when I want to spread something or make a particular recipe more special (if I have a Go Dairy Free recipe!), I use oil to make homemade vegan butter at home.
What Purpose Does Butter Serve?

We always ask this question when considering ingredients to replace other ingredients. The key to a successful replacement (especially baking) is to ensure that the purpose of the new ingredient is the same as the actual requirements of the recipe and that there are no other unnecessary purposes. Both butter and oil can add water to the recipe, prevent the ingredients from sticking to each other (or into the pot), and contribute to the final texture of the baked confectionery. It’s similar, but the butter and oil are different, so it’s treated differently for different purposes.
The name butter comes from a specific fatty acid called butyric acid. It is one of the main components of fatty acids and, unlike oils, contributes to the texture and taste of the recipe. Butter helps determine the content of the final product, as the amount of increase in pastry is usually proportional to the solid fat in the pastry. The dissolution of butter is also very uniform and helps to absorb the surrounding flavors, which helps to evenly distribute the various flavors in the recipe. Needless to say, butter has a delicious taste and can be added to any recipe that uses it. When trying to replace a glass of butter with a glass of oil, it is important to pay attention to the other properties that the oil provides and the properties that may not be available from the oil. In some cases, you can make up for the missing links in other ways. Alternatively, some recipes may require the use of other butter substitutes.
Why Substitute Butter?
Now, if the butter is so delicious, you might ask why it is divided into other things. Especially oil! This is actually a very simple answer, there are several main reasons why you might want to replace butter with something else (even if it is not oil). One of the main reasons these days is dietary restrictions. Vegetarians choose not to eat butter. Because butter is an animal by-product, vegetarians usually eat butter because they think cows are more humane than beef. People with lactose intolerance may also avoid butter for obvious reasons, but for these people, oil is enough.
For vegans, most fats are good, but it is important to pay attention to how they are made. Recently popular diets, such as Keto, Hall 30 and Paleo Diet, also limit the consumption of dairy products, so they also get butter. Certain oils are allowed in these diets, but it depends on the exact type, so please check your specific limits and limits before changing! Or, like my biscuits, I may lack butter or margarine and don’t know where to wash dishes. No matter what the reason, oil is a very popular substitute in most recipes, so you can definitely try it in some of your preferences!
Differences Between Butter and Oil

The difference between butter and oil allows for this replacement, but with a little care. First, butter has many small bubbles that help maintain its shape, but oil is a denser liquid. It makes more sense if you can imagine the difference between mixing and heating butter and oil. The butter can be mixed into a creamy form, the oil is difficult to change from its original state and is often evaporated by heat. The taste of these two ingredients is also different. The taste of the oils may be similar to what they are made of, but butter has a particularly salty taste that we all know and love. This makes butter perfect for pies and crusts. In butter and butter, the flavor of butter adds flavor to the rest of the ingredients. Oils, on the other hand, are great for moist and soft recipes (such as thick cakes) and can be used to complement different flavors such as coconut oil!
Best Ways to Substitute Oil for Butter
If you only need to melt butter in the recipe, substituting oil may produce similar results. Both melted butter and oil are liquid fats, so the recipe reacts in the same way. Baked sweets such as instant bread and muffins are two recommended alternatives to oil, and the results are very similar to the original recipe.
For delicious dishes such as vegetable stir-fry and meat, the butter is almost always changed to olive oil. Olive oil treats these foods in the same way, but the oil cooked in this way can have a strong flavor. Olive oil is great for vegetables and meat, but you can also use coconut oil or sesame oil to add a unique flavor to your diet. As a non-stick device, vegetable oil is a common substitute and also very effective. This can be found in a simple spray can in the bake aisle of a local grocery store. One of our favorite and easiest options is to glaze bread with olive oil instead of butter. The oil still makes the bread look shiny and makes it delicious after baking. Just sand it with a knife and bake for a few minutes before serving the bread.
Why Oil can be Better than Vegan Butter?
Butter is not always the easiest to replace with a recipe. It is a stable emulsion that usually does not separate and is easy to cure, but is still relatively soft. It also has a fairly consistent taste.
Vegetarian butter alternatives are optional, but they do not always perform ideally and can taste bad. It may contain related ingredients. Most stores usually have only one or two options. Remember that they are made of petroleum. So if you want to avoid “too much cooking oil”, buying vegan butter or margarine won’t save you much. Vegetarian butter substitutes should be refrigerated.
Oil is reliable and stable, so you can keep your inventory in the storage room. Since it is not emulsified and is pure fat, its composition has not changed and no ingredients have been added. What you see is what you get and you get consistent results from batch to batch. However, it is important to understand some of the differences between oils.
An Essential Guide to the Types of Oil (Essential Reading!)
This section describes common oil types based on some key characteristics of cooking and baking. I did not cover the health aspect, but it covers the knowledge needed for successful recipes.
Highly Saturated vs Highly Unsaturated Oil
Coconut oil and palm oil (usually whipped into non-hydrogenated abbreviations) are two highly saturated plant-based oils readily available in stores. They have a high proportion of saturated fat and therefore solidify at low temperatures. If you need hardening properties such as butter, these two fats are useful. If you want to avoid using these fats, replacing vegan butter is not your answer. They all contain one or two of these oils. You can try cocoa butter, which is a highly saturated fat in chocolate (yes, cocoa butter does not contain dairy products). We can also offer rich and dense recipes, but the settings are solid and not easy to find in stores.
The list of highly unsaturated oils is even larger. It contains everything from rapeseed oil and vegetable oil to flaxseed oil, olive oil and avocado oil. These oils have a much lower saturated fat content and are not easy to set up in the refrigerator. They meet the needs of all recipes.
Refined vs Unrefined Oil
There are two main reasons why petroleum is often refined. This is about increasing thermal stability and producing a more neutral flavor. Most propeller press oils have a very low smoke point and will “smoke” when heated above this temperature. I don’t want to reach the smoking point because it is burning oil. Studies have shown that burned “healthy” oil is more harmful to our body than refined oil. Therefore, if you buy “healthy” oil and use it improperly, you will not abuse the system. This includes baking.
Refined oils usually have a high smoke point and are more versatile in the kitchen. However, each type of smoke point is different. Check the bottle to see the smoke point indicated by the manufacturer. If you have a copy of my book “Dairy-Free: Guidelines and Recipes”, it contains smoke point graphs for various oils and more specific recommended oils.
Not surprisingly, the oil also has the flavor of the plant from which it originated. The taste of peach oil is a bit nutty, the taste of coconut oil is a bit coconut, but the taste of olive oil is very strong and a bit grassy. If you need a very neutral tasting oil, it is recommended that you choose refined oil. The refining process removes the obvious flavor and aroma from the oil. It has been found that some oils, such as rice bran oil and grape seed oil, have a fairly neutral taste even if they are not refined.
Health Reasons and Concerns for Substituting Oil for Butter
Regardless of the reason for giving up butter, most experts agree that reducing butter is a good decision for your mind and overall health. However, oil itself is not dangerous and has its own risks. In some studies, vegetable oils are associated with cancer-causing chemicals, and some people even think that olive oil may be harmful to you, but a definitive study of this effect in the cycle. there is no. Coconut oil is good for you in many ways, but it is slightly associated with the potential for elevated cholesterol among some consumers. For best results, we always recommend everything in moderation. If you don’t eat butter for ethical or health reasons, you can spend more time.
Vegetarians, old diets, and lactose intolerant patients make up the majority of the population, not to mention those who try to reduce saturated fat from their diet for other reasons. Oil is not the only alternative to butter during cooking, but it is a common and simple butter. Try this simple replacement method with your favorite cake, quick bread, and muffin recipes to see a comparison with the original recipe. If you want to try a few different oils and see which flavor works best, you can add points!
Making the Right Choice for You and Your Recipe
We do not argue or judge which oils are healthier and more socially responsible. Choose the oil that suits your dietary needs, taste and budget. However, keep in mind the recipes you need. Make sure the flavor of the oil matches the overall flavor of the recipe. And pay attention to what you’re looking for from the formula – do you need the hardness of a saturated oil, or is it really a problem?
The Oil Substitution Quick Guide by Recipe Type
The recommended amount of oil can be used in place of dairy butter, vegan butter substitutes or margarine.
Regular stove top or Instant Pot cooking-For most stir-fried recipes, a 1: 1 alternative is usually appropriate (1 tablespoon of oil per tablespoon of butter).
Sauces – For most sauces and gravy-based recipes, a 1: 1 replacement usually works well (1 tablespoon of oil per tablespoon of butter), but oil-based sauces are easier to separate. If so, just stir or mix and eat. Sample recipe: Vegan gravy.
Bread, muffins, bread, cakes, cupcakes-1: 1 alternatives usually work well (1 cup of oil per 1 cup of butter). However, if you want to keep the fat content of the recipe the same, you can reduce up to 3 cups of fat per cup. In that case, you can choose to increase each cup of liquid by 1-3 cups. Sample recipe: quirky chocolate cake and vegetarian blueberry muffins.
The best alternative to pie crust, bread crumbs, biscuits, scones, and exquisite pastries-1: 1 is to use highly saturated oils (coconut oil, palm oil, or palm shortening). Use them in solid or almost solid form. This helps the crumbs to form and stay flaky. You can usually use unsaturated oils, but they don’t look like flakes. Recipe sample: Quick shortbread biscuits and crust.
Biscuits (oil option)-Cookie recipes that require butter use half of the oil, but add more liquid as needed. Therefore, if the recipe requires 1 cup of butter, replace 1/2 cup of oil and add the liquid until the dough looks hydrated together. I usually add about 2 glasses of liquid. If the dough is greasy, add a little more flour. Sample recipes: Sweet potato biscuits and lively Moraces biscuits.
Biscuits (refueling option) – For simpler options, for butter in biscuits, the ratio of non-hydrogenated shortening (whipped oil) is 1: 1. Sample recipes: Triple chocolate brownie cookies and classic fudge cookies.
Butter Brush-Some recipes require butter brushing before baking. This helps to brown the upper layer and enhance the flavor. Good results can be obtained by applying oil, milk drinks and honey (sweetener). To get a rich salty taste, stir a rich oil (such as avocado or coconut) with a small amount of salt before brushing.
No Bake / No Cook
Frosting – For a seamless effect, use non-hydrogenated shortening (polished oil) in a ratio of 1:1 instead of butter. It works well, but some people don’t like the taste. We use homemade vegan butter (made from oil). Coconut oil can be used, but it is not stable for a long time at warmer room temperature. Sample recipe: coconut oil frosting and maple “butter cream”.
Do not bake cookies-In most cases, butter can help set the cookies. Therefore, it is recommended to use highly saturated oils such as coconut oil and palm oil (or shortening). You can add butter (or shortening) to butter in a ratio of 1:1. Oil will make it greasy, but will harden more normally after cooling. To compensate for this, you can also add a little oatmeal (or other dry ingredients). Example recipe: classic chocolate no-bake cookies and raw cookie dough.
For butterscotch, use a 1:1 ratio of oil, but be more specific about the oil. If you want firmness, use all coconut oil or palm oil. To be slightly softer, replace every 8 tablespoons (1/2 cup) of butter with every 7 tablespoons of coconut or palm oil and 1 tablespoon of highly unsaturated oil. Please refrigerate the fudge. Example recipe: vegetarian maple fudge.
Caramel-In recipes such as caramel sauce, butter Scotch whiskey sauce and caramel, use a 1:1 ratio of coconut oil or palm oil as butter. Example recipe: salted caramel sauce.
More Quick Tips
If your recipe specifically requires melted butter or ghee, you should be able to replace the fat with a 1: 1 ratio. This works fine.
Most dessert recipes want to use lighter-tasting oils, but chocolate recipes (such as chocolate cake) and richer oils (such as olive oil and avocado) taste great.
Cocoa butter works well for non-burning applications without fresh biscuits or gum, but it needs to be reduced. Its solid shape is so strong that it needs to be balanced with liquids or highly unsaturated oils.