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How To Check Laptop Fan Is Working Or Not

    Laptop fans are vital to maintaining your computer’s internal components excellent. They absorb heat generated by the processor and motherboard and then blow it out of the vents in the fan, just as a radiator would do when it blasts hot air out of an automobile engine.

    I’ll give you the simplest method to test whether the laptop’s fan or not.

    This picture depicts the laptop with a fan on a white background. I will show you how to verify whether your laptop’s fan is functioning or not.#How to determine if your laptop’s fan’s working or not.

    If your fan’s noise is not audible or you aren’t able to feel the air flowing through the vents and, most important, the laptop is being frequently heated, and the fan has likely stopped functioning correctly. It’s time to get something taken care of. Yeah?

    The fan is essential in extending the lifespan and worth of a PC since a warm PC performs poorly and can cause many issues, including sudden shutdowns, software crashes, and, in the most extreme scenario, damage to the hardware of the PC.

    The overheated system can cause serious malfunctions or cause damage to the components inside the system. Checking the fan in your PC is simple and should be performed regularly. To avoid problems, ensure that you replace the defective fan.

    I will show you how to determine if your laptop’s fan’s working or not.

    The Importance of Fans

    The primary function of a fan is to cool the system. This could be any system. The laptop’s fan, in this case, performs the same function to keep the laptop’s internals cool. It’s solely to ensure that the laptop is running at its top performance. Because it is an electronic, physical component, it is prone to heat up rapidly and slow down the laptop’s performance. In the end, programs can slow down or even crash.

    The primary issue when a fan fails is that it can cause damage to other components that comprise the laptop. Since specific components inside the laptop cannot stand up to the heat produced by the defective fan. The entire laptop could break down unless you resolve the issue with heating.

    The main point is that a laptop’s fan is essential and must perform correctly. The real question is: what can you tell if there’s an issue with the fan? We’ll take a look today.

    Methods to test Methods to Check if your laptop Fan is functioning or not

    Because the laptop’s fan is located in the chases, it is impossible to detect the fan’s motion until you remove the case. There are several methods to check the operation of the fan.

    Pay attention to the laptop’s fan noise in complete silence.

    When you feel the air coming out of the vents of the laptop

    With the help of software that will display your system’s hardware specifications

    Physical Verify that the laptop’s fan is operating correctly

    Testing for hardware requires you to take the laptop apart in part. As carelessness or lack of experience can cause damage to components, we are unable to recommend this procedure to regular users.

    It is best to take off the cover first before removing the bolts to the fan. Then examine if the removal of the fan is required or not. The wire with which power is distributed must be able to access freely. Also, there is a variation that has two pins. It is typically either a 3- or 4-pin cable.

    Connecting a laptop fan to the laptop

    You’ll require the USB cable to disconnect and remove the connector’s insulation.

    Connect the more flexible cable connectors in a red-to-red direction, black, and then black. Replace the fan if it does not spin.

    Remove the dust and dirt from the laptop, and then upgrade the thermal layer. This will improve performance.

    How to Replace a Laptop Fan

    The lack of space and ventilation causes temperatures to increase quickly in laptops. The laptop fan circulates hot air from the hard drive and various internal parts through an opening on the back of the laptop’s housing. A laptop fan is generally constructed into a heat sink which keeps the central processor cool. If your laptop’s fan has stopped working, follow these suggestions to fix it as fast as possible.

    Step 1

    Read the laptop’s owner’s manual and assembly instructions carefully as you take the laptop apart. Make sure to touch something metallic regularly to eliminate static charge, and then work on a large table with a lighting source.

    Step 2

    Switch off your laptop and disconnect it. Take out the main battery, the CD/DVD drive, and the drive. Hard drives are typically found in a slot located on the other end of the laptop. Unscrew the screw that secures the cover, and then remove the sledge for the hard drive.

    Step 3

    Turn the laptop upside down and remove the screws from the bottom to keep the keyboard in place. Flip the laptop upside down and then open it. Finally, raise the keyboard and slide it out. Unplug the ribbon cable, which is flexible, and connect your keyboard and the computer.

    Step 4

    Take out the screws holding the keyboard’s bezel and the palm resting. Be careful to remove any plastic snaps around the sides, and then raise the bezel and the palm rest upwards and out.

    Step 5

    Unplug the laptop’s fan. Take off the screws that hold the fan and heat sink in place. Then, take the whole unit off the laptop. Clean any thermal compound residue from the base of the heat sink and the CPU.

    Step 6

    Apply a thin layer of thermal compound to the CPU. Then replace your heat source and the fan. Install the screws, plug the fan back in, and then rebuild the laptop.

    Step 7

    Connect the laptop to the computer and switch it on. After you’ve used it for a short period, you’ll be able to hear the fan running while you feel warm air coming through the vent to the side of the laptop. Laptop fans don’t operate indefinitely, so don’t be anxious if the fan stops working periodically.

    Software For Checking Laptop Fan In Windows

    Real Temp SpeedFan, Real Temp Arhus Monitor, HW Monitor The Real Temp, SpeedFan, HW Monitor, and Arhus Monitor. are a few of the programs available to Windows users to evaluate their PC’s performance, not just performance. These programs will allow users to take complete control over the hardware.

    In the list of these programs, “SpeedFan” and “Real temperature.”” are the most well-known and extensively employed. You can regulate your laptop’s speed, laptop’s fan and monitor your system’s temperature.

    You’ll also be aware of which temperature can harm your system. Once the temperature reaches that point, you’ll need to shut off your laptop sometime to get the temperature to return to normal.


    The laptop fan is among the essential elements that make the system function smoothly by directing the heat away from its vents. In this post, I will provide all the information needed to determine if your laptop’s fan’s functioning.

    In short, you can determine the laptop’s fan’s performance or not with the help of different programs such as Real Temp or SpeedFan and as well, and you can verify it manually by hearing the sound and squeezing the heat with your fingers in the Vents.

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