In Messenger, you can easily download and save video files to your computer or phone. However, this is different for audio or messages with voice. If you’re looking to download a video clip or a voice record, however, it’s more challenging than just right-clicking or pressing long-press on the audio file and, after that, saving. It might seem impossible to keep downloading the audio message from Facebook, the most popular Facebook messaging application. However, don’t quit, not yet!
If you want to download music from Facebook Messenger, follow these steps. This works on phones, computers, laptops, or PC.
Why should you download Audio From Facebook Messenger?
When you download audio via Messenger onto your PC, You can play the music anytime, even if you’re away from it. The audio saved is saved in MP4 form; it could utilize it as a background to your video or mix it into an entirely new track.
You may also upload the files on Facebook. Be aware of audio tracks, specifically ones that have copyright restrictions.
Another benefit of downloading music from Messenger is that you can preserve it as proof which means that if the sender decides to retract the video and you want to keep the original.
How to Download Audio from Facebook Messenger
If you need assistance downloading music on Facebook Messenger on your PC, follow our simple step-by-step directions to finish your task quickly.
Method 1: Utilizing your browser
You can easily download audio messages in Facebook Messenger using a web browser.
- Start your browser on the internet of choice. Log on to the Facebook website and log in to your account using the login details you created.
- Click the Messenger icon in the upper right corner of the Facebook homepage.
- Select “See all of Messenger,” then launch Chat and select the message you want to download.
- Locate the audio and press three dots right.
- Click “Download”.
All Done!
Select the destination to download the music and click “Save. The music is saved on your PC in an encrypted mp4 format.
Method 2: Use Google Chrome Developer Tools
If you’re employing Google Chrome, you can use the developer tools within Google Chrome to download the audio files of Facebook Messenger using these steps.
- Open Google Chrome on your PC, visit, go to the Facebook website, and log in to Facebook with your login credentials.
- Select the Messenger icon, then select “See the entire message Messenger” to view all messages in Messenger.”
- Start the Chat by selecting the audio messages and right-click on the display.
- Go to “Inspect” and then click the “NETWORK” tab “Network” tab before refreshing the webpage.
- For 30 seconds, start playing the music, and then pause the audio.
- Click right-clicking on the audio icon at the bottom and click “Open in a new tab.”
How can I download audio using Google Chrome?
Method 1
When you are on a computer, you can download audio files via Facebook Messenger by typing and then following the instructions you’ll find in the following.
Method 2
You can download audio files directly from Facebook Messenger through Google Chrome’s developer tools. This process is more complex than the earlier method.
It is necessary to start your Google Chrome browser and go to the particular Facebook chat using the audio recording. To access the developer tools, click the three vertical dots in the upper right-hand corner of Chrome. Then, go to Tools and then select Developer Tools. Additionally, there is a keyboard shortcut to launch the developer tools:
- Ctrl+Shift + I
- A pop-up window for DevTools will pop up.
- Click on it to go to the Network tab.
- Within the Facebook Messenger window, you can play an audio clip. After the audio file has started playing, open the DevTools page where you will find play the audio file. It will begin with an “audio clip.”
- Double-click the file’s name, and it will download it to your downloads directory.
Now you should be able to easily playback the audio files. You may need a VLC media player if your system’s built-in media player doesn’t work.
You can download audio messages in Facebook Messenger if you’ve read this article. The next time, follow the steps that we have described above to download Facebook Audio messages!