Your business is in operation, and you are in the process of making your social media accounts. You’re aware that Instagram is a crucial component of your strategy for social and you set about creating a brand new company account. Then, you type in your preferred Username…After that, you receive the following message: The Username is inaccessible. You can try a different one.
Someone already has taken the idea. What now?
Although you can choose an alternative Instagram username that is very closely associated with your business (but not precisely the one you’d like), you can make a shot and then try to take the desired Username against your name-brand competitor.
If you’re in the second category or unsure, you need clarification. This guide is designed perfectly for those of you. We’ll show you how to get your Instagram account handle from those who have already taken it for themselves.
How do I claim accounts that are inactive on Instagram? Instagram?
Finding an account with no activity for an inactive charge on Instagram could be difficult since there’s an official procedure to do so. But there are some steps you could follow to attempt to establish a dormant account.
Contact the owner of the Account. If you are familiar with the account owner, attempt to contact the account owner and ask them whether they’d be willing to grant an account.
The Account should be reported to Instagram if the bill appears to impersonate yourself or your business and you want to send it to Instagram to be reviewed. Instagram offers a method of handling impersonation issues, and users can complete an application to file a complaint against the Account.
Show that you are authorized to utilize your Account. If you demonstrate that you have permission to access the Account (for instance, it’s a corporate account or you’re an authorized representative for the business), Instagram may be willing to give funds to you.
Start a new account: If you cannot access the inactive reserve account, you may create an account from scratch and set up an account on Instagram.
It is important to remember that Instagram’s policy is not to sell accounts with inactivity to anyone else and that they cannot transfer the Account’s ownership to another person. The report will only be shared history to the account holder who asks for the transfer and provides proof of the Account’s ownership.
Furthermore, creating multiple accounts with similar purposes violates Instagram’s terms and conditions of service.
How to Get a Taken Username on Instagram
This article will provide various methods to make an Instagram user name memorable. We’ll look them up:
Method 1: Contact the current User to update their username
If you want to create a username, you can directly contact and ask the owner to switch their Username. If they’re willing to surrender their Username, the problem will be resolved without effort.
Method 2: Offer to Purchase a Username from the owner
The owner should be asked to switch their Username could be a good idea if you offer an incentive. Can you offer an amount to purchase the desired Username? If you’re willing to pay for an active username, go to do this.

Method 3: Notify Instagram regarding the Inactive Account
Instagram is a social media platform that has a set of rules regarding inactive accounts. If your Username of choice is associated with an account that has been inactive for more than 90 days and you want to report it, do so. The bill to Instagram and quickly obtain your Username.
Method 4: File Trademark Report
If you’ve registered the desired Username but discover someone else is using the same name, you may make a trademark complaint. After that, you can assert your reputation on Instagram since Instagram is a strict observer of its legal rights.

Method 5: Write a Clear Statement to Get an Occupied Instagram Username
Prepare a professional and convincing assertion to provide an email to Instagram Support with a strong reason why you should claim the Username you would like.
Getting Access To Any (In) Active Instagram Username
Accessing the Account of any (in)active Instagram account is easy, but it isn’t necessarily a guarantee of success.
The following list contains steps people have taken to attempt to gain access to (in)active Instagram accounts to get the Username they want. This could be a good idea for you.
DM the (In)active Account Directly.
The first time you try, this should be the best test. If your Account is inactive, your email address or the version may be under surveillance. You can send a DM (and make sure you are waiting for a response).
If you receive an answer after you have sent a DM and do not receive a response, you must decide on the following strategy.
According to the scenario in the present:
- Inquire about Instagram to transfer the Instagram account over to the client.
- Request that the Account be handed over if you hold an intellectual property mark on the account name (see the section below)
- Provide cash compensation in exchange for transferring the Account to the client.
Appeal to Instagram for Access
It is possible to appeal to Instagram to gain access to an account that is not active. It will sometimes yield satisfaction, but it’s an excellent option.
Contact Facebook Ad Support
One thing that has helped a lot of other Social Media Managers has been going through their Facebook Ad reps to resolve this problem. If you’re a Facebook Ad rep, we encourage you to contact them to resolve this issue.
Show Proof of Trademark
If the business is registered under trademarks on the name, and another person has used it, make a ‘cease and dissuade letter stating the trademark’s infringement. You can also ask that the Account be transferred and contact Instagram for documents proving trademark ownership. You may require assistance from an attorney to have the issue addressed.
What should you do if you cannot find your desired Username?
If this doesn’t help, you should show some design within your Username. In addition, include a symbol or underscore on your Username for a unique look to the website you are using. It is challenging for people who are well-versed in creating a username on Instagram. Knowing the guidelines of Instagram and complying with the instructions in this article can make it easier to get that Username you’ve always desired. If you require assistance with the content in this post, please leave your ideas and concerns in the comment section.