Preparing for the arrival of a baby is a full-time job in itself. There are reading books, equipment to look up, purchase, and put together, doctor’s appointments, insurance calls–the list is endless. Fortunately, you’ve got nine months–give some days–to be as prepared as you can to welcome that little new thing.
While you’re in the middle of baby-prep, the dog might be unaware that the world around them is changing. This doesn’t mean that they’ll not still be awed by their lives. But any kind of change could be difficult for pets. When it comes to welcoming a new addition to the family, the difference could seem like it’s happening in a matter of minutes for your pet.
Dogs and infants can get along with one another immediately, and this happens without much planning for some. However, that Instagram-ready situation is not as prevalent as you imagine. You can take action, but they can make it easier between your furry friend, child, and yourself. They can ensure your dog and child are up for a lifetime relationship.
What causes dogs to have problems with newborns?
A newborn baby born overnight could be an eerie experience for dogs; it’s an unexpected change in their way of life.
Dogs generally like routines because they are comfortable that they know what to expect and when to expect it. They could feel extremely uneasy if they’re not fully prepared for the change that new puppies can bring.
A new addition to the family can mean your dog isn’t getting as much time with you or has shorter walks than they’re used to. They may also have to be kept in a quiet area for a more extended time than before or be allowed in certain areas.
Babies can also signify something new in the home with many visitors’ loud and unfamiliar sounds and smells. It’s not difficult to understand the reason.
Plan ahead
Everyone knows that your dog is the heart of your universe. However, in the next few months, they’ll no longer be the sole center of your universe.
To get them ready for the day, begin to alter your routine to suit them. This might mean quieter time, less activity, making sure your dog is not in your bedroom or your soon-to-be baby’s space or using an alternative way to go for walks.
Consider all the possible lifestyle changes following your child’s birth and ensure your dog is familiar with them before your baby’s arrival. This will reduce the stress that comes with bringing your new baby home.
When you realize that you’re planning to:
Your dog may not have taken the basic obedience classes, and you’re unsure if it’s the right time to enroll him. The behavior that appears harmless now, such as getting up to greet your guests at the door, may become problematic once you’re expecting your eighth month or have a baby on your back. A teacher can assist you in resolving this.
Many dogs have never had a chance to interact with children before. Children do things that adults do not, such as making abrupt movements, screaming, and trying to get in the dog’s face. To expose your pet to toddlers, go to the park and observe what he thinks of babies from an in-between far distance, Stilwell suggests. Ask your mom’s friends to be able to walk alongside them when they’re pushing their children in a stroller, or If things go as planned and you are comfortable, walk with them. These methods will gradually introduce your pet to the presence and sounds of children.
You can simultaneously bond with your dog and your baby.
Your dog should understand that good thing will occur when the baby is in the vicinity. Test your new mom’s multitasking abilities on the line by stroking your pet while feeding your baby or throwing the ball as you snuggle with your furry friend. If your child needs all your attention, gift your dog a brand-new toy chew toy to enjoy while you’re at work. Place the dog’s bed next to the baby’s changing table or bouncer, and give him treats or toys. If your baby’s time is a fun time (or time with you) for your pet, your dog will likely be less stressed.
Teach Your Baby
When your child enters the state of exploratory, it is crucial to control every interaction between him or them and their or their dog. This is a fantastic chance to instruct your child not to annoy the dog by pulling his tail, etc. Respect for each other can’t begin too early. Many children have accidentally caused a dog to become angry due to being not supervised or their parents not giving them the correct instruction.
Don’t Forget the Dog
Dogs don’t need toys or extra attention to feel valued. It is enough to keep the routine going by offering daily walks and constant supervision. This will make your dog feel secure and let her be relaxed about the addition to the home.
Recap of How to Introduce a Dog to a Baby
The arrival of a new member to the family home can be an exciting time for you and your dog. Although you shouldn’t think that your pet will learn everything there is to know about the coming events; If you prepare early and let your child and dog get to know each at a gradual pace, you’ll be able to establish both to have a positive relationship.
The six tips above ensure everything goes well once you’ve introduced your dog to a brand-new baby!
Introduce Them Slowly
When you bring your child home, ensure that they remain apart initially, so your dog gets familiar with the scents. It is possible to install an animal cage or gate to ensure that your dog will be near to you and the baby but keep it at a safe distance away.3 Then, gradually introduce them with your dog on a leash. Finally, provide your pet with frequent hugs. Gradually increase the amount of time before transferring to off-leash times.
Do not force your dog to be around the baby if it’s unprepared. Let him sniff the infant; however, don’t worry when he isn’t ready to join in. The introductions should be slow and as calm as possible.
You can do many things to ensure your dog is at his best when he’s the arrival of a new puppy. It’s a bit of planning before the event, but it is worth the effort.
Canfield, Christie. “Helpful Hints When Introducing Babies and Dogs.” AKC, 27 January 2017,
ASPCA. “Dogs and Babies.”,
Gormly, Kellie B. “What Not to Do with Dogs and Babies.”
Getting Pets Comfortable With Babies
Allow your pet to get used to the baby’s scents and sounds, even if they are not within the same room that includes the baby’s formula and blankets, lotions, and other things. To build a positive relationship between your animal and your baby, Try these suggestions:
Be calm and positive while you hold your baby. Your pet will sense your emotions and connect them with the newborn baby in your lap.
Pay attention to your pet when your baby is present and not only when it’s absent. If your pet observes that it is only noticed when the baby is in a different room, it could be a sign that the baby with negative emotions.
Do not discipline your dog when it chews or touches the baby’s toys. In addition, punishing your dog can make it associate “bad” things with your baby or its toys. Just take the baby toy off your dog, and replace it with something suitable for chewing or teething.
Let your pet smell your baby first before being kept on a leash. Encourage your pet to do so, so that it can associate positive feelings with the infant.
What’s Next?
Congratulations! You’ve learned to begin to welcome your pup to a brand new baby, and the whole process went without a hitch. You can tell that they’re going to make great companions! What’s next?
The best way to ensure that your dog and your baby have a good relationship is to treat your pet and baby with affection and love and show them respect for each other! Offering treats to your dog when they are good when around your baby and praising your child for not grabbing the dog’s tail or stealing the pet’s toys will create an unbreakable bond that will last for the rest of your life. Have fun with your happy family!