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how to stop a cat from scratching furniture

    Don’t give up when your pet’s scratching behavior is beginning to damage your furniture. We’ve got some suggestions for redirecting your cat’s scratching behavior and some suggestions for products to lessen the damage.

    Cats scratch. They always have been and will always be. It’s actually in their genes, and there are many reasons for them to tear up all materials and objects – even your furniture. This leads us to the sought-after solution to this question, How can you stop cats from scratching furniture?

    If you’ve come this far, you’d like something more detailed than a quick tips video, don’t you? With the assistance of PETstock VET, our PETstock VET team, we explore the causes that cats scratch, the products, and methods to stop your cat from scratching at your furniture.

    Why Do Cats Scratch?

    Before you can train your cat to stop scratching the couch (or your furniture), she must know why she does it initially. Cats scratch their objects for a variety of reasons, which include:

    To stretch. Scratching can be a good exercise and provides stretching of the muscles and tendons that line a cat’s body from her toes up to her shoulders and neck.

    To mark territory. Cats’ paws are stuffed with scent glands, and scratching objects emit odors that mark their area of residence. Cat social structures must employ these methods of communicating. Even if only one cat is living in your house, she will be aware of the need to communicate information this way.

    Maintain the health of the claw. Scratching can help a cat shed the nail’s outer husk regularly whenever needed, keeping the claw in good condition.

    To feel good. Scratching can be a wonderful experience for cats. It reduces stress and the likelihood of your cat exhibiting other unwelcome behaviors.

    What is the reason cats scratch furniture?

    Although it might appear that your cat is just a bit obsessed with damaged objects, they scratch for various reasons. First, it provides an all-body exercise for your cat. It also allows them to stretch the muscles and tendons that are a part of their claws to their back. Cats who scratch furniture help keep their claws healthy and keep them sharp by eliminating claw sheaths that keep them in good shape.

    Also, the paws of cats have scent glands, and when they scratch on objects, they release a visible and chemical scent indicator that identifies their area in the house. They’re more likely to choose the most frequented and well-used areas like couches or your favorite armchair. This is because scratching these areas can help them feel safer and less stressed by putting their scents on objects, making them appear more like home.

    Sometimes, cats will do this due to boredom, which is particularly common for pets living in homes that don’t get enough stimulation for their minds. You now know why they scratch; how can you stop them by scratching at furniture?

    Can I Declaw My Cat?

    Pain in the body: Decrying may cause discomfort outside the paw. It is common for this to last beyond an average recovery time for surgery. A lot of cats experience ongoing discomfort after the procedure of declawing. Their inability to stretch out their muscles when scratching may cause discomfort.

    Infection: A significant injury on each toe is the possibility of contracting. A large number of cats experience severe and life-threatening infections following they’ve been removed from their homes.

    Bone spurs, nerve damage, and bone spurs Since removing claws is an invasive operation; mistakes may be made. A lot of cats suffer from painful nerve injuries and bone spurs.

    Abhorrent behavior: Cats use their claws to defend themselves

    themselves.. Cats with no claws may feel unsafe frequently and can cause aggressive self-defense and self-defense

    behavior. Cats who are declared tame are more likely to bite.

    Refusal of using the litter box: At least two or three weeks after the declawing procedure, the cat’s owners must change litter with a newspaper that has been shredded because litter could irritate the wounds of cats. The fear of and discomfort that comes with scratching at the box causes some cats to avoid using the litter box for a long time. Declawing could reverse the habit of breaking houses.

    Lameness: Pain that lasts for a long time and other issues associated with declawing could make cats lame for the rest of their lives. Some retain a long-term limp.

    How to Trim Your Cat’s Nails

    Nails should be clipped every 2 to 3 weeks.

    Here are some more suggestions:

    Take your time: The paws are among the most sensitive areas of a cat’s body. They can pull away from you, making the task more difficult. If you have an easily irritable cat, Try getting them used to the idea during the petting time. If your cat is the calmest, gently touch one of her feet. Then, gently press the pads of their pads, and then extend one of their claws, and then gently praise them all the time. Respect when she’s exhausted, and that’s the end of this particular time. One or two minutes is plenty of time. If your cat is tolerant of this sensation, begin cutting. Two or three nails each time is sufficient initially, but gradually making them comfortable with the sensation while also having an enjoyable experience with your positive words and gentle touch or a treat at the end.

    Take care not to disturb them napping. You may be able to cut a nail or three onto a sleeping cat without any stress. Be gentle and calm. If your cat wakes up and walks away, but you’re not worried — be aware that cats have several naps each day. There’s a chance to try again soon! You could also try the same holistic formula the office pet Jackson, Mojo, uses to ensure he is calm when trimming his nails. Stress Stopper is an excellent product for reducing any animal’s stress (it’s made for all animals and not just cats) when there are short-term disruptions such as nail trimmings, the vacuum, and home guests.


    Cats may become anxious or anxious due to a variety of reasons. The causes aren’t always apparent to pet owners.

    The excessive scratching of your cat is not the only indication that it may be stressed, so it is essential to look for any other signs of behavior change. The answer to territorial scratching is in identifying the root causes and is generally best accomplished by consulting a professional.

    If you’re worried about whether your pet’s scratching may be an anxiety-related issue, you should consult your veterinarian for a behavioral specialist referral.

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