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How To Use Updated Google Chat Search Filters (2023)

    It’s become a necessity to stay in touch and complete tasks at work as well as at home or on mobile. Finding the ideal message, file, or chat to keep moving isn’t always simple. Since the beginning, Google has helped billions of users locate exactly the information they’re seeking, and we’re now offering some of our effective search tools for Chat to Google Chat.

    Let’s say you’re employed by Cymbal Bicycles, and your boss has requested you to create a slide detailing the results of Q3’s sales for all of the Cymbal Bicycles’ electric bicycles.

    What is Google Chat

    As per Google:

    “Google Chat is an intelligent and secure communication tool specifically designed to be used by teams. From direct messages to group chat rooms, Google Chat is an integrated platform to make communications between teams easy and efficient.”

    Google Chat is part of all Google Workspace plans. A Chat also offers a mobile application that works with iOS and Android and lets you use it on many different platforms. So you are able to communicate with your colleagues wherever you go and not rely on computers.

    Google Chat supports 28 languages and provides a maximum amount of chat room users, 8,000 in total, for the Google Workspace plans. This means that Chat offers a brand new world of possibilities for business communication.

    What is the Best Way to Use Google Chat? Google Chat Search Filters

    The search filters in Google Chat assist you in finding particular conversations or messages that are with more swiftly. Searches can be narrowed by keywords, specific users, or even in dedicated rooms. Following the introduction of Duet AI in Google Workspace, Google recently revealed new methods to search for the conversations and content shared within a chat timeline. The following are available:

    Recap Recent Conversations

    You are able to easily locate the chats you’ve had if you remember some details regarding the Chat. This will help you discover relevant and particular information should you happen to lose it. You can find the source for particular types of content like photographs. What you must accomplish is

    • Go to Google Chat, and in the search box located above, you can type in the keywords you’d like to look up, then press Enter.
    • Search for the Chat on the results search engine and select them to launch.

    Follow Down Documents

    There will be times when you’re missing a crucial file during the course of a busy day, and you don’t have the time to go through every single folder on your personal computer. It’s possible that the artificial intelligence-powered Google chat search tools could help you find this file within only a few minutes. All you need to do is

    • You can type the name of the file or portion of the file’s name into the bar for searching.
    • Search results can be refined by the type of file, dates, or sources. It is also possible to specify whether it was mentioned in an area or an explicit message.
    • Pick your preferred file from the result of the search and take it to download.

    Get Your References

    This function can be extremely beneficial in finding important messages from a group chat with an overwhelming quantity of participants. It is possible to keep track of the tasks you have been assigned through scouring your notes. Find these easily:

    • Enter the keyword into the search bar and then press Enter.
    • Choose”the Mention Me option in the right-hand corner of the Type File row.

    Search results that include the search term will show.

    Find new Communities

    There are many ways to join and create various spaces within your business, and there’s an extremely simple way to get involved in these conversations. Take these steps to locate and join new communities.

    • If you’re looking to locate or join a community, go to the Find a place to join on the menu in the sidebar.
    • Choose the appropriate options for creating or searching in accordance with your needs.

    To join a space, select Browse Spaces, search for the desired keyword on the search bar, and press enter. You can join any space in the results.
    To make a space, Click on Create Spaces, enter the details of the space, and then click Create.
    Find new Communities

    Create Custom Queries

    It is possible to create Custom Queries in Google chat with search operators, as the operators let you remove certain messages from the search results. The messages may include Google Sheets, documents, as well as slides. The only thing you have to type is the exact words you’re seeking and use operators in order to get exact outcomes. This picture shows an example of the operators that you could use to find files based on their formats.

    What is the best way to Search Google Chat History?

    There’s no way to search or browse Google chat history. However, you are able to use the above filters to discover what you’re looking for in the chats you have. But, there is the choice of turning off and on specific chat history within Google Chat.

    • Start the Chat you want to use and then click the arrow that points downwards in the middle of the name of the person who is being targeted.
    • Click on the button to turn off History.

    Google Chat’s hidden features

    The following are the most useful additional tools we’ve come across within Google Chat and how you can make the most of these features.

    The format of Google Chat messages

    If you’ve ever tried Google Talk and Slack, you’ll see both services merged in a few different ways within Google Chat. First, formatting. You are able to use italics as well as different formatting, similar to Google Talk and Google Docs comments.

    In order to add italics in a Chat message, you can add underscores around the phrase or word, similar to this example. Bolden the text with asterisks surrounding the phrase or word, such as this. Are you looking to fix something or need to eliminate the phrase? Use tildes to surround words or phrases like “this. If you’re sharing code with others, put backticks to the code, such as”this.

    To add an Emoji to chat messages, simply type the name of the Emoji (as it is used in Slack). The Hangouts app will begin filtering the options for emojis; once you spot the one you like, click Enter to include it in your chat message. Or, simply enter the full name of your Emoji and then add a colon on the other side.

    The ability to mention someone in your message is similar to Google Docs comments and Slack. Type an @, followed by the name of the person you wish to highlight. Chat begins to filter through names of individuals within your organization, placing the people in this chatroom in the uppermost position and those whom you might invite at the lower part. Click Enter to choose whom you would like to invite.

    Sharing content is simple, too. Add links to an existing conversation or in the reply box, and most times, Chat will display an image preview or provide a brief summary of the post you have shared.

    Do you ever need to alter the content of a message? Use the writing in your New Conversation or Reply box to display the previous message you’ve published and make edits.

    Include bots in Google Chat rooms.

    Google Chat isn’t just for communicating with others; it’s also a fantastic place to talk using your applications. It can assist you in booking events, booking flight routes, surveying your team, checking your calendar, making requests for time off, and so on.

    In Chat, you are able to join bots in a particular space or even communicate with them using your own. There’s an array of bots that are built specifically to work with Chat in the present, such as those that work with GIPHY, MeisterTask, Wrike, Zenefits, Dialpad, Kayak, as well as others. To locate bots, press on the search option located in the upper-left corner of the screen, then select Find a bot. Bots can be added to rooms or converse with them in real-time.

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