We’ve all seen video clips on YouTube of doggies running around as tiny balls of energy. Although some dogs are more energetic than others, is a dog hyper?
Although it’s possible, the possibility of hyperactivity in dogs is uncommon. In most cases, hyperactive canines lack some stimulation in their lives, whether physical, mental or social stimuli. Certain breeds of dogs are more active than other breeds and require more stimulation to remain happy.
While it isn’t common, it is possible to experience hyperactivity for dogs, but how do you know whether your dog is hyperactive? And if they are, how will you handle it?
What is Canine Hyperactivity?
It’s crucial to realize that hyperactivity doesn’t constitute an official diagnosis. We don’t know the cause of it in the first place, but we’re not sure whether certain dogs suffer from a mental disorder or are more hyperactive than others.
However, a hyperactive dog cannot remain still or focused regardless of what you do. Training them can be challenging since they’re constantly doing their business or digging your lawn to pay attention to your instructions.
Dogs are usually having difficulty learning impulse control. This could mean they can run away and chase another animal at a single glance or attack someone without any warning. As you would expect, such behavior can put your dog’s safety (not to add your family’s) on the line.
Every dog is enthusiastic and exuberant often, especially when they’re young—however, dogs who are hyperactive push this excitement to the limit.
The causes of hyperactivity in Dogs
Here are some biological as well as social and environmental factors that could trigger hyperactivity in dogs. It could be caused by one or more of the following factors:

Dog Breed
Likely, a dog’s breed isn’t the sole reason for hyperactivity. There are, however, some behavior patterns that are related to the genes of a dog.
A few active breeds include breeds that herd (Australian Shepherds, Border Collies, etc.) and sports breeds (Golden Retrievers and Labrador Retrievers.). Siberian Huskies, Jack Russel Terriers, Dalmatians, Corgis, and Chihuahuas are other breeds with high energy levels.
The Early Years
The first few days of a dog’s lifespan are vital because this is when dogs are taught things about themselves, how to carry out certain things, how to communicate with others, and how to communicate with others. If they’re not guided or treated with the proper level of attention during these early times, they may not understand some things as they grow older.
A lack of exercise
Very active dogs require a lot of exercise to control their energy and anxiety safely and healthily. It also leads to a smooth and easy training experience, improves sleeping habits, and helps digestion. Lack of exercise, however, could cause excessive activity.
Recognizing the signs of hyperactivity in Dogs
In the beginning, what can you tell whether your pet is excessively active or just extremely active? To give an understanding, hyperkinesis can be a real-world canine version that is a symptom of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyper-Activity Disorder).
The signs of a dog that is hyperactive consist of the following symptoms:
- Energy levels are high.
- Fidgety moves
- The attention span is short.
- Impulsiveness
- I was doing too much to attract attention.
- Snapping quickly
- Afflicting aggressive behavior in moments of stress
- Being unable to interact effectively with other dogs
If the symptoms aren’t treated, they could become more severe. So, it’s important to be aware of the signs early so you can manage them effectively and allow your dog to live an enjoyable and healthy life.
Responding to hyperactivity in Dogs
Awareness of what your dog may be struggling with and understanding how to address it are two distinct zones. If there is one general piece of advice, be patient. What appears to be distracted or frantic energy could be a state of acute alertness that means they’ll pick any changes in your mood, anger, frustrations, and negative feelings.
Before you say, “no way! My dog doesn’t seem to be alert at all,” look at what triggers hyperactivity. So you’ll have a lot less time to get angry when it’s time to teach them “sit” and “stay.”
What Should You Do If You suspect that your dog is Hyperactive?
You’re faced with a lot of options in dealing with hyperactive dogs. However, it would help if you first determined the cause of your belief that your dog is hyperactive.
Suppose the issue is due to trained indiscretion. In that case, you’ll have to restart the process of training and continue with it for this time if you’re required to take advantage of the assistance from a qualified trainer since they are the ones who spend the most time dismantling bad habits that owners have created into their dogs, so it’s not something new to them.
If you believe your dog may be deprived of stimulation, you must intensify their exercise routine and give them additional ways to exercise their mental and physical energy. It could be as simple as buying puzzle toys, getting them involved in agility classes, or hiring an animal walker to take them away from the house for a short time each day.
Also, examine the diet they are eating. Be sure they’re getting all the required nutrients and vitamins, and then think about switching to a protein-rich diet. Protein is burnt all day long; therefore, your dog should be able to maintain a consistent amount of energy, not sudden uncontrollable surges of activity.
Is Your Dog Hyperactive?
It is sometimes difficult to discern between a hyperactive dog and a normal, exuberant puppy. If you suspect your dog is hyperactive, altering its diet and surroundings is recommended before taking any medication.
Don’t be afraid to seek out your veterinarian for assistance if you require assistance, however. The most important thing is having a pet that you can handle, even if you require help from a veterinarian to reach that point.