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Look Like The Innocent Flower but Be The Serpent Under It

    Like the innocent flower and be a snake beneath the surface” What is the way Shakespeare employs his theme of appearance and real life in the play Macbeth What is an appearance? It’s a prominent aspect of someone or something that can cause distinct impressions depending on the looking person. The opposite of appearance is accurate, actual existence or existence, in contrast to an idealized, imaginary, or fake nature (taken from dictionaries). It is not a good idea to make judgments or take a position on anyone or anything based solely on their appearance.

    This quote of Lady Macbeth in act 1 scene 5 from Macbeth can be understood as a prelude to the death of King Duncan and as a suggestion to Macbeth. Lady Macbeth advises her husband to dress as an “innocent flower” when he meets the king and becomes an animal beneath.

    With this in mind, At the end, who told you to look like the innocent flower and be the serpent beneath it?

    This quote of Lady Macbeth in Act 1, scene 5 from Macbeth can be seen as a hint of the death of King Duncan and as a message to Macbeth. Lady Macbeth instructs her husband to dress as an “innocent flower” when he meets the king and disguises himself as a serpent.

    Figurative Meaning. If Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth that he has to be a gentleman and not a coward and Duncan must be killed, Duncan informs him to appear as innocent flowers but become the serpent that lies beneath it.

    Also, is the look as innocent flowers a metaphor? Imagery figures of speech utilizing comparisonSimile is a type of speech which compares two things that are not like using the term “like” or in the form of example in Act I, Scene V in Macbeth in which Lady Macbeth says to her husband, “Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under” In this simile, Lady Macbeth is comparing Macbeth to the serpent.

    What is the significance of a serpent?

    The serpent is a universal symbol with complex meaning, and it may symbolize destruction, death, evil, a permeating spirit that is not legible, or poison. In the Christian belief, Satan (in the guise of the serpent) was the one who caused the fall, manipulating Eve into breaking God’s law.

    Is there a serpent within Garden of Eden?

    This confirms Lady Macbeth’s statement about Macbeth welcoming his guests warmly and with compassion. Something more sinister is evoked when you think about a snake or an animal. Consider the serpent from the Bible; For instance, the snake convinced Eve to eat an apple at Eden. Garden of Eden.

    Quote of the Week: “Look Like Th’ Innocent Flower, But Be The Serpent Under ‘T.” This is one of the most memorable lines from Macbeth (and it’s among QuickLits their personal favorites). It is often used to prove the truth of Lady Macbeth’s bold evil nature, and it comes directly from Act I, Scene V.


    Why do you not speak?” Macduff is tricked into fooling him. Malcolm makes up a fake image instead of his personality; Malcolm paints himself as the evilest and detestable ruler. Then, he employs the simile of comparing himself to Macbeth and claims that Macduff appears “as perfect as snow,” but he says a fake appearance is used to examine Macduff. Malcolm is convinced Macduff is in his corner in his address. “Thy hope ends here,” He says this since he realizes that Malcolm has turned evil and the only hope is gone for any person, but Malcolm interrupts Malcolm to reveal the facts that Macduff completed the test.

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