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Preventing Fleas In Dog

    Fleas are not fun. They are not for you, as you’re faced with the occasional bit on your ankle and the stress of getting rid of your home of these tiny bugs. Also, not recommended for pets, which can scratch and bite themselves trying to nip the pesky insects.

    If the presence of fleas is making your home miserable, You face two problems:

    • Help your pet recover by getting those irritating little bloodsuckers off of them.
    • Stop fleas from terrorizing them again.

    What do you think of fleas?

    The fleas are small insects with dark brown color which infest the coat and pets’ skin. They can leap up to 150 times their length, making transferring the fleas between your pets challenging to stop. Their incredible jumping skills permit them to move quickly between the surrounding environment and your pet.

    What can I do to tell whether my pet is infested with fleas?

    The first indication of a problem with a flea in your pet is its itchy skin. If you look at the coat of your pet, there is a good chance that you will find some or all of the fleas moving all over the surface of your pet’s skin. There may be little black pieces that appear like dirt. These might be flea droppings. In a matter of months, the number of fleas that infest your pet’s habitat and environment could reach thousands.

    What are they, and how do they get around?

    The fleas are tiny bugs that reside on pets and around your home. They’re a frequent problem for dogs and cats, and can also affect rabbits. Fleas can cause your pet to be miserable and itchy. They frequently cause skin issues because of allergies in pets that are sensitive.

    In the most severe cases, they can cause your pet to become very sick. The fleas feed on your pet’s blood, so an extremely young, old, or sick pet may be dangerously anemic when they get heavily infested with fleas.

    They are an issue throughout the year but particularly problematic in the summer. Avoiding an infestation is much simpler than treating it; therefore, you should use regular preventive treatments.

    Specific life cycle stages can remain dormant in the surroundings for up to one year. Due to this, one of the main reasons pets get fleas are moving into empty homes. Central heating and vibrations awaken the pupae or eggs of fleas within the carpets. Treat new homes with a long-acting spray for fleas before moving in. It would help if you were sure to treat your home frequently. Your vet or nurse can advise you on which products to choose and the frequency you should use them.

    Five Ways To Prevent Fleas on Your Dog

    If you decide to adopt a dog and get one, you’ll likely take on various tasks to prepare your home to accommodate your new pet. You’ll want to ensure that your dog’s surroundings are safe and secure. It would be best if you also protect your home from your playful pet.

    The other aspect of taking the appropriate steps to ensure that your home is secure for your pet is ensuring your dog is healthy. One way you can protect your dog is to include the prevention of dog fleas in your routine for dog care.

    They can be a nightmare for your dog and the house, So it’s best to prevent them from appearing before they cause much damage. Here are five methods to stop fleas from “bugging” your canine companion:

    Flea Collar

    Collars for fleas are a great option to stop fleas from entering your home. However, they cannot remove the existing fleas in your home or eliminate the existing infestation. When used for preventive purposes, the collar can protect for a long time; some collars last between 6 and 8 months. Collars for fleas contain specific insecticides that kill all bugs upon contact.

    The collar you purchase depends on your choice; you may need to put the collar on your pet or wear it when you go out. Flea collars aren’t intended to substitute for your dog’s regular collar or leash. So, you may need to examine how your dog does with double collarsin case he’s not keen; consider an alternative method to avoid fleas.

    Flea Spray

    Sprays for fleas are applied directly to your dog’s skin and coat. Sprays can be applied to your dog before you leave for a place that could be a breeding ground for fleas, like the park, a place with several dogs, or if your dog is involved in any other activities that could expose the dog to fleas. Make sure you read the directions for the spray you’re applying, as certain sprays may be more frequently used than others. Additionally, certain sprays protect against fleas, but others can stop a variety of pests from causing trouble to your dog.

    Essential Oils

    If you are looking for an alternative to prevention against fleas, a number of vital oils are employed to stop fleas. It is possible to dilute essential oils such as cedarwood, rosemary, peppermint, and rose geranium to make sprays to prevent the spread of fleas to your dog. However, it is advised to talk with your veterinarian to ensure there is no way for the oils to cause harm to your pet particularly if she suffers from any medical conditions or is taking any medication.


    The great thing about apple cider vinegar is that it’s an effective treatment for the problem of fleas on dogs organically by balancing pH levels and creating an environment that is healthy for your dog’s health but insufficient for fleas. Mix six cups apple cider vinegar in 4 cups water, add the sea salt and spray directly on your dog’s coat. Make sure you keep away from your pet’s eyes.


    The lemon bath is easy to prepare and keeps your pet fresh and odor-free. Dilute half a mug of freshly squeezed lemon juice in 2 cups of water, and then add a splash of your regular shampoo or soap for your pet. It’s an effective way to treat fleas in dogs.


    The pet-friendly shampoos that produce an oil-like lather are guaranteed to eliminate existing fleas. When it comes to flea treatments, natural is the most effective choice, and that’s why you should choose the natural pet shampoo free of any chemicals added. Once your dog is thoroughly covered with shampoo, let it sit for a few minutes while doing its job. This is an excellent method of eliminating existing fleas before proceeding to the treatments to prevent fleas.


    Is there anything coconut oil isn’t able to do? Coconut oil can be helpful in many ways when it comes to treating fleas. Applying the oil of a teaspoon directly on your dog’s coat will not only deter fleas but also keep the coat looking shiny and help reduce body smell. If you add it to the food, your dog eating coconut oil may aid in treating intestinal parasites because of its antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral benefits.

    Why Flea Prevention Medication Should Be Year-Round

    Generallyspeaking, pets should be kept on flea prevention all year. You may have heard it’s unnecessary to keep preventive measures for fleas even when it’s cold. I would strongly suggest against this. There are too many avenues for fleas to establish themselves and continue to grow. It’s not often cold enough in most regions of the world to allow an area to be completely flea-free.

    One example of the life cycle of a flea includes the stage of pupalization. An adult stage is protected from the outside world by the cocoon. In the pupal stage, fleas can remain dormant for many weeks while waiting for more favorable conditions. Additionally, in certain areas when the weather becomes colder, rodents begin to shelter inside their owners’ homes. These rodents and mice can quickly bring lots of fleas into your house.

    Importance of Prevention

    Consistency is essential in helping to prevent and control fleas on your dog as well as in your home. If you miss a single dose of your pet’s monthly flea treatment could be the beginning of an infestation that could require weeks or even months to get rid of. During this period, your dog is in danger of developing an infestation of fleas that can be detrimental to the overall health of your dog.

    Making sure your dog is free of fleas can help to keep him happy and healthyBe aware that fleas don’t just cause irritation and can cause several ailments. The more you can do to keep the fleas in control within your home and garden before their invasion; you’ll save time and the money you’ll have to spend removing the infestation.

    What signs do your pet have fleas, and how do you take care of them?

    If fleas plague your pet, they could exhibit no symptoms when they’re not sensitive to their presence. You can see fleas, but they’re usually easily hidden. Therefore, it is more likely that you will observe ‘flea dirt,’ tiny dark dots resulting from poo from the fleas on their skin and fur. Cleaning their coats with the flea comb, mainly on the lower back area, then onto wet cotton wool could reveal this dirt from the fleas, which is distinguished from dirt because it will change color when the blood contained in the flea’s poo dissolves into the water inside the fibers of cotton.

    If they’re allergic to fleas or have lots of fleas biting their skin, they’re most likely to:

    • You may be itchy, chewing, or licking your lips more often.
    • Are you suffering from red, inflamed, or irritated skin?

    It isn’t easy to eliminate fleas infestation, which could cause your dog discomfort. It is always best to avoid fleas by giving your proper pet treatment for fleas.

    If your pet is affected by fleas:

    Visit your vet to get assistance.

    Make sure that all pets are treated in your home to make sure that fleas do not transfer from one pet to the next.

    Hoover the house to remove the fleas on your carpets or furniture.

    Spray your home with household spray for fleas to get rid of fleas as well as flea eggs. If you have pets, ensure that the spray does not contain permethrin since this chemical harms cats.

    Take Your Dog to Regular Checkups

    We’ve already mentioned that regular wellness checks are the most effective way to identify a parasite prevention program and monitor the effectiveness of your dog’s program, even if they’re currently taking medications. If your pet has signs of parasites such as the itching caused by fleas or you’re regularly discovering ticks in your dog, it is recommended to schedule your appointment with our vet immediately. We’ll be happy to help with any questions regarding your current tick and flea treatment. Are you interested in learning more about how to safeguard your dog from fleas as well as ticks? Contact us today at 843-379-7387.

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