The more you drink your time, the more you’ll have to leave… this is a fantastic riddle Here’s the solution.
While we are in lockdown, many of us are enjoying distractions.
Every day is similar at present, and it’s crucial to attempt to inject an element of spontaneity and safety into your daily routine as often as you can.
Today we’ve got a new travel-related mystery for you! “The more you go on vacation away, the more behind.”
The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?
This one appears to be somewhat more straightforward than the previous travel mystery I discussed not long ago. So, what are you thinking? Do you know the answer already? If so, scroll down for the answer!
The answer to the question “the more you consume, the more you’ll leave to follow” Is…
Footsteps! The more you step, the more steps that you’ll leave behind!
The answer is FOOTSTEPS.
The Riddle Defined
The secret to this puzzle is the unusual usage of the phrase “take”.
When we refer to the word “something” in English, it typically refers to the act of picking objects.
When we first start reading the riddle “the more you consume”, we can imagine getting something. For example, taking a book off the table. Likewise, you can take a handkerchief out of your purse or take candy from a toddler.
In this instance, we’re “taking one step”. This puzzle has made me consider how we might use “take” at times.
What we are doing, in this case, is “the step”. We’re talking about “taking the step”, similar to “taking breaths”. The objects that are picked up are not removed. The taking of the action is an act, and the object that moves is your body.
Also, could “taking breaths” be a similarly acceptable solution?
I think it could.
When we “take steps”, we won’t leave any physical footprints behind.
Alternative Solutions To “The The More you Take the More You’ll Be Leaving To Follow.”
- Laundry. Since when you have more clothes to can wash in one time, the more socks you lose
- Anything of value, technically speaking, in the event of your death
- Time
- Laxatives
- Chances. Specific paths require the following paths to be abandoned
- Polaroid Pictures
- The more you drink, the more often you vomit
- Dumps
Notes. The more notes you make and write down, the more handwriting you’ll leave behind.
Did your idea appear within this team? If so, I congratulate you on your inventiveness! What makes riddles incredibly fun is the variety of plausible solutions that people can come up with. It’s a great way to see our creativity of us. We love it. My preferred alternative is the laundry answer. It resonates with me. (I often drop a lot of socks and unworn underwear when I attempt to do all of my laundries in one trip)
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Answer: The more you take, the more you leave behind riddle
The More You Take, The More You Leave Behind. <a T…
The more you take, the more you leave | Get the answer
The more you take, the more you leave behind riddle answer
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The More You Leave Behind – Riddles and Brain Teasers